
That was Return of the Jedi, not Empire.

That was the equivalent of tapping someone on the shoulder, over and over, just to tell them that you aren’t talking to them. But keep calling me names. Feed your hatred. I love it.

After the number of years that the Cardinals and Cardinal’s fans have been the bane of, basically, everyone who isn’t a Cardinals fan, most of us have learned to get energy from your hate. There are a few fans who can still be baited, but they aren’t the majority. The rest of us think it is funny that so much ire is

Cardinal’s fans know very well how to deal with disappointment in October. As a matter of fact we are used to it. Having played so much in October, we know very well how to cope.

As a Cardinals fan, I have been loving this gimmick all season. I can’t ever get enough of being reminded of the relevance of Cardinal baseball. I will especially enjoy reading these in October!