When the fuck are any of these fucking assholes going to be locked the fuck up?
When the fuck are any of these fucking assholes going to be locked the fuck up?
Who would have thought when “Idiocracy” premiered in 2006, it would be the leading documentary of this century
Gotta keep his audience distracted from his scandal of the month.
It’s painfully obvious how Trump won a second time.
Well water tastes better with arsenic and methyl mercury. At least at first, before you die days later. Bring back the leaded paint and leaded gasoline!
Someone spent a LOT of money to ruin that car back in the day. A completely class-free zone that as usual, shows that money can’t buy good taste. Though evidently it could buy a LOT of blow in the ‘80s.
Will Nihilist Collin be a recurring feature?
Looking at auction prices on the ‘Premium’ car auction sites before a couple of hours before close is an exercise in futility. The serious people bid in the last minutes.
Showing up to vote for the man you hope will pardon you, in the car you were ordered to turn over...
I don't know if Trump can, or even wants to help Rudy get out of this. Rudy's no use to Trump now. He's not a lawyer, has zero political influence, and Trump (surprise!) still owes Rudy money. It's probably in Trump's best interest to let Rudy go to jail.
You think it’s bad now, just wait.
This perfectly sums up our healthcare system.
I can’t blame them for thinking the Cybertruck market might be ripe ground for the Greater Fool Theory.
I can understand private sellers being that delusional..., I mean they bought the stupid thing after all, but dealers?
Love Colter Wall. He’s from Swift Current, Saskatchewan. His dad, Brad, is the former Premier of Saskatchewan.
Obviously, they are trying to use the same definition of “unlimited” as most cell service companies use for data. <rolleyes> Except the cell phone companies are actually smart enough to put it in writing that “unlimited” does not actually mean unlimited. Of course, the *contract* does, in fact, say “unlimited miles*,…
Hertz is doing something stupid and having it blow up on social media is as predictable as a rainy day in Seattle
The cherry-on-top would be if the two women he defamed were waiting in the car when finished voting, and then they lock eyes with him and wave before driving away in their car.
I’m Cheech and Chong, and I approved this message.