Dad gum it Lurlene, I was awantin another kid but them thar fancy Librul car seads done cost as much as couple of boxes of 9mm that I needs to by to keep us safe, we will hafta bee happy with the elebem we gots.
Dad gum it Lurlene, I was awantin another kid but them thar fancy Librul car seads done cost as much as couple of boxes of 9mm that I needs to by to keep us safe, we will hafta bee happy with the elebem we gots.
My dad spent a lot of time up here and they found some of the tinned food left behind, being idiots they actually tried it- said it was like really bad preserved beef and they have lived to this day.
I bought the cheapest new KIA in America, lets see if I can start it
It also comes with a warning to users:
At least there are no car washes to deal with
Just spray some red oxide in places and people may believe it’s original
My dad had a 42 Harley trike and said that with the old gravity pumps they would lock the handles at night but leave the hoses unlocked, he could get enough gas from a couple of pumps to drive around for the night.
Yep neighbor keeps going on that you can only get 30000km out of a battery, when they die you have to set them on fire and that they don’t work below zero. He keeps going on about how China is awful and glad he drives a Chevy, a Trax no less
Those suction cup roofracks look neat
Will it find the pound of ground beef that fell out of the grocery bag in August ?
Maybe dress as cops ?
Probably has a convenient bill of sale dated before the sinking where it is sold to a John Smith or Juan Vasquez
Is Stonehenge larger than 18" ?
Waiting in line at a commercial vehicle check and the passenger decides to light up a joint- was able to stop him real quick, his excuse, they aren’t real cops and the truck is good and safe. Yes it was a coworker but it was his last week.
Sell rides in it for a Ukraine charity
Weird video with Fisker himself on the start screen
Step on the hitch and overload it