Fat boy should work on his aim- all the fish out of those ponds will be mostly lead if he eats them
Fat boy should work on his aim- all the fish out of those ponds will be mostly lead if he eats them
It’s the White Trash starter kit
“We’re Jews out in space We’re zooming along protecting the Hebrew race
I bet those space lasers can do more than start forest fires
Elon denies he gave Cyberturd to Chechen warlord ‘ that was a gift for Putin personally’
Four guys on horseback, they really wanted them but they couldn’t agree on the number of souls they could harvest
Umm this really isn’t news to those of us who live in the North, auto park doesn’t work in winter, backup cameras are useless after driving for 1km about the only thing that works is the adaptive cruise
Except the costs to the health system and the trauma they cause others, not fun scraping brains off of a guardrail
Oh great more ammunition for the ‘ I’d rather be thrown free’ crowd
VW Touareg V10 tdi just needs O2 sensors
Or any other small item, a belt, battery mentions $5 part but neglects to mention the engine out procedure to replace
Got rear ended mildly and the cops came, no ticket for me and I drove on, about 800m down the road I get litup by the cops, it seems the accident popped a bulb out of my taillight assembly and I had no left signal. I put it back and thanked the cop, oh no I got a ticket, because I should have checked the car more…
Doesn’t it need a full service including tires after a 700 mile trip ?
Is there any insurance or assets to pay a claim ?
This sounds like a Clive Cussler novel
It’s not R Kelly’s
Yep but in a panic situation people do weird things- look at what people escaping from a fire bring out with them.
HR probably has that policy but he would be out of a job for losing the car
Wow regenerative braking and now airbrakes, cool, nope happened to my AMX was the scariest 15 seconds of my life
unexplained fires are a matter for the courts