It’s not R Kelly’s
It’s not R Kelly’s
Yep but in a panic situation people do weird things- look at what people escaping from a fire bring out with them.
HR probably has that policy but he would be out of a job for losing the car
Wow regenerative braking and now airbrakes, cool, nope happened to my AMX was the scariest 15 seconds of my life
unexplained fires are a matter for the courts
Friend is a vegan buddhist, lives in Victoria, said after a week of having the neighbors peacocks screaming he was ready to strangle cook and eat them
I bought the cheapest Viper in America and here’s what happened
That is my emotional support wolverine, I cannot fly without it
Pig! Dog ! Loaf of Bread !
To improve most of these Tiktok hacks secure a plastic bag around your head, and the poster
Buddy in University used to make cash by dressing in what looked like some businesses uniform and go to the locations near the arena, he printed up some nice looking parking passes and would sell them to folks. He was smart enough to only do this a few times a month at different places but could pull in 300$ easy
Unless he was one of the preorder ones back when he was relatively sane
Bring on Beef Supreme
See Ali G was right, the terrorists are crashing trains into buildings
He will just implant Neuralink chips in people scheduled for deportation
So could the secret service decide that maybe based on a recent attempt on his life to relocate a former presidents somewhere, like Elba or Guantanamo Bay ?
And asked to see her green card
My original Mini never got tipped but it got carried across the street, reversed in parking spots and placed on the sidewalk once
If I was the cop arresting the report would say something like, ‘ arrested suspect handcuffed them to bumper of car, read them their rights and drove back to the station, was unable to locate suspect when I returned but I still have the handcuffs’
Coworker has an f250 because they have to move their canoe a couple of times per year and that was what would haul it. One day I came in with my 17 foot Grumman on the roof of the Volvo V50 and they had their 14 foot clipper in the truck, I won