I suspect my wife will vote this down, just because I am clutzy and uncoordinated
I suspect my wife will vote this down, just because I am clutzy and uncoordinated
Wonder if that is with the fans going
It looks like Pep Boys threw up all over it
I assume it has about a five mile range
One of our Volvos somehow uses the outdoor temp sensor for the heating/cooling system, when I broke the wire for it in the mirror the heat went full on regardless where I set it-
Is this a new option on Teslas ?
Whelp there goes the reason for buying a Tesla for me
do not taunt CT
I would suggest that driver change his name and move to Point Roberts
I saw a really sketchy video of some guys unloading a Cullinan in Africa using chunks of wood and old pallets- probably one of this guys earlier jobs
I am guessing they don’t have home insurance as usually the insurance company would pay out then sue- but look they get a cool piece of space debris to sell !!
Dude, where’s my bomb ?
and they discovered that due to a shift to military contracts the airbags were not included
It looks like a scene from a new buddy roadtrip movie, Crazy and Crazier or Scary and Scarier
I used to work in the glazing industy and a big no no was to put mirrors on the outside of the glass rack on the truck- I saw one while driving and it was scary- all the reflections and seeing yourself was weird
I prefer squat cobbler
Can we get influencers and their ilk to do like lemmings ?
Didn’t Cheetolini say he was banning electric cars on day one ?
73000$ in legal fees ??? good thing he won
Do they only work with OE tires or are they universal