I found a 10mm socket last week so I'm qualified
I found a 10mm socket last week so I'm qualified
Is that in addition to the Trucote ?
I bought the cheapest 4runner in America
My Signet was an 82, the Niva an 84 and my Skoda 120 was an 85 the Skoda was much higher quality in my opinion. The Pony was awful, had a friend who had one and it got in an accident, driving it home from the body shop it got hit again and went back, another had one and it got stolen, she replaced it with a Porsche…
The documentary King Corn is older but touches on this entirely
I think Elmo is discovering how hard it is to compete when the competition is evolving faster and being innovative.
I think my Niva beat the Tesla in quality
Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Cybervessel .
Caution: Cybervessel may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.
Happy Contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.
Do not use Cybervessel on…
We have somebody in my neighborhood that removes entire plants, and late in the year so they probably don’t survive
Just switch it to 480v swap the neutral and hot, should stop theft
Te front fell off
Vne on one of these is 125 knots, it is not an aerobatic aircraft
Accidents from maintenance issues are not all that common, the big issue is the pilot, they may not have enough experience or not have flown enough recently and then there is the poor decision making with regards to weather and their own skill levels. As this one broke apart in flight I would suspect that the guy went…
Needs some more brakes
He reminds me of a company I worked for, revenue was down so they fired the entire sales team. Yes they were paid a lot but they brought in 60% of our revenue, the place was sold about six months later.
Can I hit my Happy Fun Ball with it ?
I usually try to travel with carry on only but on a longer trip or winter that is hard, have seen the airlines cracking down on the carryon size which is good after people practically dragging hockey bags onto the plane and trying to cram it in the overhead bin. Best was the time I was flying with nothing but a…
So I have to get one from Temu ?
Given the number of army doctors and surgeons that seem to be trying to pick up my wife on social media I would think this incident makes their reputation better.
I can see people buying cheap adapters from Temu and having all sorts of fun