
Kickstarter has proved a great place to stretch your investigative journalism skills. I love these articles. I mean it sucks for the people who invested, but you could probably make a book about Kickstarter failed projects and scams.

Well they were the people who were ruining an otherwise fantastic game for the rest of us.

Probably underage. Who think ANOUNMOOSE is at their becking call.

Wow. These people are frighteningly out of touch.

I doubt it, with more people playing the servers will not be able to handle it. Pokevision for instance did not do anything to the quality of the servers or the game, they just used that as an excuse because they're stubborn mules.

Reading your comment, I was like okay, good, uhumm ok... wait what? you don’t have a cell phone?

Well the original nerf was to keep him from being a tank shredder. Increasing rate of fire on fan doesn’t increase his damage from the fan, it only lets him reliably kill squishies before they get away. So I think this was the best adjustment they could make and should be fine.

A lot of companies are starting to adopt these kind of policies since it reduces burn out, forces people to use their PTO more liberally (rather than in one large clump that affects everyone) and reduces payouts if the person quits/gets fired.

Local Government: Dear developer, the public is using public parks and we don’t like this. Please remove pokestops so the public will stop utilizing services provided to them, by us, the local government.

I only wish more people were prosecuted as harshly for making online threats. It would certainly help curb some of the trolls. Between people making threats on places like twitter or swatting, something needs to be done to punish them.

Because they do make solid equipment that is very reliable and has unlimited parts and accessories.

But we are all cool starring our own Kotaku posts...right?

The “asian guy” is Justin Wong, featured many times on Kotaku by being on the receiving end of Evo Moment #37. He didn’t make SF-V Top8 this time, but al least he eliminated Daigo his eternal nemesis

They should make a Prophet Muhammad skin for Reaper.

No, the contract was given to him in good faith. Well, that good faith fucked the team. This is why when developing contracts, you have to safeguard the project itself.

I’ll just give their aliases now instead of their real names in cases they are in the game.

Original Members: Soldier 67, Reaper, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Ana, Gerard Lacroix and Liao.

The last 2 are not in the game atm.

That said, as you pointed out Mei, Mercy and Tracer were both in the original conflict in the lore yet

I pay $100 a year for the privilege. Also, after having prime, I’m never going to not have prime again.

I pay $100 a year for the privilege. Also, after having prime, I’m never going to not have prime again.

How dare they offer special promotions to their best customers.

How dare they offer special promotions to their best customers.

In honor of Destiny, it has no story.

Good heavens Ubi, I was just kidding when I said “Blood Dragon ALL the things!”, you know.