
I believe that bungie has stated that outside the delayed release day, all non sony exclusive content will hit the PC at the same time as the other consoles. Which means that the NEXT raid PC should get to experence at the same time as the console.

Already saying unavailable.

Already saying unavailable.

This isn’t even the makers issuing the fine, it is someone else. But even if it was sometimes it is the principal more than the actual cost. They are selling it so cheap, why are you stealing? Its like kids stealing gum from the store. It isn’t anything important or valuable but as the parent (LAW) or the store

I want to see him record some gameplay. I hope he recorded some. I would love to see a rank 10 and below match.

EDIT: Nevermind he has twitch streams. I have to watch this.

Yea, Junkrat needs to have either a paranoid or a forced look on his face while being drug around if with anyone besides roadhog.

General stance I take with DLC is how does the base game feel. If it feels like something is missing when I beat the game then I feel that the DLC is shady. If I feel content with the game when beating it, then the DLC is adding on extra’s or extending the story in which I have no issues with it.

I have no issue with the current system either, but I can understand some peoples frustration with the fact that you can get duplicates in the boxes. This would at least have the duplicates going towards something (I would have normal item dupes still give credits rather than seasonal rewards, lets call them medals

I think rather than making them available for normal credits they should have seasonal credits that are awarded during this time. Like the conquest point in competative. With this the boxes that you earn during this time give credits that can be used towards seasonal items and at the end any remaining credits are

Thats exactly what some of these don’t get. They think that because it makes the game more fun for them because they do better that its all fine and dandy. Because they are not directly attacking the servers they think they aren’t doing anything wrong. But they don’t realize that by doing this and diminishing the

Make prefer and avoid player only effect your team... It seems simple enough to me. Blocking effects playing with them period if they are toxic, Avoid lets you stay away from people that you do not enjoy playing with because they are not team players, Prefer lets you gets matched with people you played well with

Looks like this post states it. After the timer it changes to it will incure a loss

Yep, I have no issues with anyone that cheats/mods a single player game. But as soon as you take that shit online your no de-valuing my playtime.

I know I have seen it. These is one question I have because you have a phone image vs a screenshot. Is this PC or console?

It says it IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE FULL STOP. Read the second line. I have a feeling you read the first line and completely ignored the second line.

PENALTY FREE but it will still count as a loss. This is exactly what it says on the screen. This means that you will not get a leaver penalty. They explained that they did this because they didn’t want teammates bullying people into leaving in exchange for them not taking a loss in a loosing game. Or to have a

I will agree because they are very different but it would be the other way around I think. You joined a soccer club that ended up seeming great at the start and kinda became boring just practicing day in and day out with nothing coming of it. They finally have a match set up, but should you bother trying it out

I can’t answer for others, but I can answer for myself. I played over a hundred hours of the division. Did I get my moneys worth? Yes, I have spent as much on other games and gotten much less time out of it. Am I upset at the game? Yes, and this is because it was squandered potential. The game had the opportunity to

Sounds about right. Something I might have been willing to do for free when asked I would immediately say no to or charge extra if it became expected/taken from me.

This will use up all your luck. Never again shall you be known.

One thing I want to know that interested me in this. They said “That advertised running linux”. Personally I do not recall seeing a sony ad saying that the system could run it. Were these ads ran by sony themselves or were third party places saying that the PS3 could run it. If it was 3rd party, I see Sony as doing no