
We will also need an option to turn off people’s tattoos so that the tattoo artist... isn’t somehow losing a sale? I don’t know how this complaint works.

All of these, he’s a genius so his mind is constantly imagineering and he can’t focus, are all bullshit. He isn’t good at public speaking, and that’s ok, no need for excuses.

The personality traits of the thinkers, creative types and visionaries, usually do not mix well with public speaking and social events. I take confidence in him being nervous versus if he was overly confident and not feeling pressured. If he was strutting around like a car salesman, lawyer or politician, I’d be

He said they think they can hit 500k per year. Probably not in year 1, but certainly they should be able to, between now and 2018, make enough that people who order outside that initial 115k shouldn’t have to wait too long.

I’ll probably get the Vive.

I had no love for EVE while playing it briefly, but I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of reading up on the craziness that goes on.


Caution! The following video contains headphones

Right? Like, ‘How did it come to this?’

Go H.A.M. on passing out those energy bars.

And yet neither the new Unreal Tournament, Paragon or Shadow Complex are available on any platform other than the Epic Games Launcher on PC.

Gamers: “Wah, game devs don’t take risks”

I put on headphones before watching that video. I am now deaf.

My rule is. If the animals don’t attack me. I don’t attack them.

He left Ford in 99, nearly two decades ago. Calling him a ‘former Ford engineer’ is like calling him a ‘former infant’...true, but not very enlightening.

I don’t know much about this game in particular, but any time I see a developer suddenly saying “PVP multiplayer” is going to now be a focus in what should be a story/event driven game, I think of the employees saying: “it takes a lot of time to write story, code in the character scripts, trigger events, debug it,

Where were you that snowy day in 2016 when 2Bad4Ufkr lost the big game because his shift key got stuck?

I look forward to the day we meet again.