I loathe console exclusive content in all forms; so much so that I will forego playing a game in which I otherwise may have been interested.
I loathe console exclusive content in all forms; so much so that I will forego playing a game in which I otherwise may have been interested.
Development studio CD Projekt Red, who are trying their very hardest to be the anti-Ubisoft, announced today that…
I've actually seen a buttload of people playing it, and the most common thing I've heard is "It's not -amazing-, but for some reason I can't stop playing it!" Destiny is still one of the big things at the moment.
No the older stories were freaking pulitzer winners compared to this. The dialogue in the old entries was silly, but it wasn't actively painful. The old ones didn't reek of "trying too hard" like this one does.
I had the opposite reaction, I thought it felt like they were trying waaay too hard to capture smartass dante from before, and failed miserably. I enjoyed the game though, before somebody comes at me for being a new DMC hater.
Microsoft never outlined their own idea. That was their problem, their thing was "Here's all this DRM, and fuck you if you're not tethered to the internet at least once a day, but we'll let you share your games, and trade in digital games!" "Ohh what's that, you don't want the DRM? Fuck you again, we had all this…
This last couple of years seems to have really brought out the petty side of the console wars.
I can already see the Sabin Train Suplex achievement
Same reason I masturbate. I'm moderately good at it, and it's enjoyable/frustrating until I finish.
I don't know if you've played the beta and I'm lvl 8 found all the golden chests, and upgraded all my armor. There isn't much left to do, but I think it speaks well for the game if you've done everything that's programmed into it, but you still want to spend time within the game playing a child's playground game. That…
What...the graphics are way too fucking good for ps1...
The NYPD then proceded to tazer the drone and beat it with clubs until it was dead, saying, "Grunk saw bird. Grunk say bird is good food. But, bird too boney. Not enough to go around."
It's the equivalent of a critical hit, really. You need to have both Innervates in your opening hand, the beefy minion, and you need to be going second. If you can pull it off, it's beautiful. Now, it would've also been funny if they were playing vs. a Rogue who had Sap. :D
I would propose that any game that engages in anything as retarded as retailer-exclusive gameplay should be repeatedly and viciously attacked by the media and boycotted. Get the word out to all the masses who won't really understand as well.
"Oh you wanted a car with wheels? Then you should have gone down the street to the luther dealer."
That makes the most sense. Change the "male" category to "open." Then the "women's leagues" can be the exclusive league, but any woman who wants can still challenge the boys in Open.
I never claim to be perfect and that is a nice try there buddy but I have been in debt before and gotten out. Did so without breaking the law or ruining a persons life to do so as well. The debt ended on my terms and even if someone was on hard times still doesn't make it right and it was already covered in another…
I hear that. MMORPG's see this problem all the time with teleport bot hackers. Wildstar is suffering from it right now but they are trying to keep it under control but good luck trying to farm anything yourself in lower level zones. You will never beat them to a node.
WAIT WHAT??? I totally stopped following SC2 after... well, it was bad.