
Countercounterpoint: evolved to hibernate, i.e., not a human

“Personally, if I had pets that shat in my house frequently, I probably” would 1) put them outside overnight, 2) lock them in a room overnight with me, 3) TRAIN them (talking dogs here)

Naturally, dogs in renal failure, etc are not included....

Damn it, so my Beanie Babies - in their climate and dust controlled display cases - are NOT going to fun my retirement!?

One thing never to do with a CVT vehicle: BUY ONE!

Thank you, I will be here all week, try the veal, don’t forget to tip your waitress...

What is it about broken teeth?

I am thinking a straight bleach / ammonia 50/50...

Agreed, legs way too long....

OK, hardest to explain:

twat, numpty, plonker, pillock <—— Drumpf synonyms?

Agreed <full stop>

a worker tried to remove a detonator from a live bomb with a brass chisel

130 hrs a week...

Drafting for the win!

No semis allowed on it’s roads?

Just the good ol’ boys

RIP mate

I give you:

It is more to do with disparate SCALEs:

I can’t stop this feeling... damn you ohrwurm!

Because The Donald wants them, that is a sufficient answer for a #TrueAmerician©