
with ½ rice, ½ chips...


Even actually been to the UK? Lived there?

Reminds me of rabid anti-vaxxers:

“I am not against vaccinations, I just believe in SAFE vaccinations!”

twot twat

That is very reasonable



(1) that is likely all the USFS can fine directly
(2) the publicity for the USFS to help in not doing this is huge, and that is good
(3) you are advocating that people with more money should be charged more?

So please confirm:

Don’t get me wrong, Breitbart himself was a 1st class arsehole, but I do wonder how he would have handled Trump he had had not died...

“ can’t really push her around too much,” Karen Schoeve

1,000 pounds @ $25/pound, minus offal and slaughtering/butchering costs = $12,000, Shoeve should be OK to get that space she needs...

He pulled the brake, what would you have him do then?
Sit there and take it like a man?

and out of the shadows comes the BS ‘justifications’...

You forgot to mention autism BTW


Actually, this is a rabid anti-vax furphy...

who are students at Barack Obama School

Bachelors degree (and 40 wpm) for $20/hr