Thank god, not that it is on my watch list; as someone who lived in Australia in the 90s for 7 years, well...
Thank god, not that it is on my watch list; as someone who lived in Australia in the 90s for 7 years, well...
Obvious headline edit:
That is why I specifically mentioned Europe... your snark notwithstanding...
No other animal smokes and salts meats for use during the winter either... or covers themselves in processed animal hides to keep warm... or...
We have tool-centric adaptable brains and opposable thumbs, there is the differemce
really only Europeans who felt like milk was necessary.
See... your narrative... go back and re-read what I said rather than what you think I said...
That is, agrarian society did not just develop in one place and then ‘spread magically’... It developed INDEPENDENTLY in many, many places that had no contact with each other...
My first car as a kid in New Zealand back around 1984 was a MG Midget, older, worked at a supermarket for MANY hours to afford it...
Loved the convertible, manual... otherwise the car was a POS, Morris Garage’s, English at it’s worst...
If you don’t want to drink milk, no problem, we have the LUXURY of living in a society where you are ABLE to make that CHOICE, truly lucky us...
That said, to infer - as I believe you are - that it is somehow ‘wrong’ to be drinking milk is erroneous in terms of most of human food source history. As someone else stated,…
‘Nice’ attempted (mis)interpretation for your own narrative... ~roll~
You recognise that the micro-evolution of human children developing (cow) milk lactose tolerance (and hence being more likely to survive) in what-is-now-Europe brought humans from hunter-gather mode to agrarian society - and then roads —> trading —> towns —> cities —> civilization —> technology such as medicine,…
I honour your personal choice, but am pragmatic... ~smile~
Just as I honour vegetarians / vegans choices even though they are biologically omnivores....
Non-celiac gluten free, anti-vax, etc I have disdain for though —- but that is a different story
You recognise that human children developing (cow) milk lactose tolerance (and hence being more likely to survive) in what-is-now-Europe brought humans from hunter-gather mode to agrarian society - and then roads —> trading —> towns —> cities —> civilization —> technology such as medicine, Gawker comments, etc - yes?
Night soil taken away? ;)
Milk is WONDERFUL, could not let that pass...
Meanwhile, here in Denver, Royal Crest Diary keeps delivering to your door...
(they do better milk than web sites though...)
She is 51?!!
From that mugshot, I would added 15 years to that...
Tough life I guess...
Now there is porn film couple to cure porn addicts... ~shiver~
A word with a LOT of history, for instance the Arabic use (with one ‘f’)