
Why is the speedboat flying an Australian flag?

I rode a motorcycle up and around there, seriously gorgeous; if I did not have a New Zealand passport along with my US one, I would consider this if The Trumpeter gets in...

One of my ‘favourite’ builds a few years back was a ‘68 BMW R50/2 that some had put a ‘96 R1150 engine into... with no changes to the OEM drum brakes, etc... ~shiver~ but wow! I think the video is still on the interwebs...

Must? ~roll~

Sadly, the ‘cultural predisposition’ of these young ‘men’ (i.e., derived from views in parts of their ethnic setting in Australia) plays a huge factor...

Liked it as well...

I am not sure if I would have (i) helped the FBI as he did, or (ii) “nope, sorry, can’t help you”

I can understand why they did it, the juxtaposition of someone who was a track ‘star’ VS. someone who abducted and murdered a 13 yr old - as in, WTF?!!, WHY?!!., what motive?!, etc....

Ironic sponsor logo? :(
RIP mate....

Lane split if speed differential is < 10 mph and under 40 mph; personally I would only ever do on off ramps, etc where cager traffic is stopped or mostly so....

with a little help from the AMA

The opening-ish overhead views of the intersection, jay walking up a storm!

Free range, stop them now, for their own good!

AND anyone new - again! - would be seen a weakness, failure...

I am guessing a VERY thick jacket to pick him up...

How does the engineer have forward visibility?

I think I’ve sauna enough, back to work

Even in 48 inches? ;)
But I hear you...

Hmmm, how to get the dirt bike in...