
There is something ‘other world’-ly about them of course, so speculating...

His tatty Carhart shows his six-generation ranching, patriot cred...

I live in CO, very seriously looked at getting a 2WD (as needed) Ural, such an excellent concept, BUT the build quality was so very bad!

That is a lot of money for a 2004 R1150RT with > 100K on the clock, should be around $5K; aka - is the sidecar worth $6K?

Now if it was a GS, that would be an ABOMINATION, *never* put a side car on a GS, especially a ‘regular’ one, every time I see such a thing, I weep into my diner counter coffee and think “What a

Why not?

Someone called Central Casting?

Note that at the time of her death, he was around 30 years older than her...

Don’t they synchronise or some-such, I read a study about just that...

Well, you could be at the Rev’s place...

British Valium?

Try Emmerdale (Farm)

I listen to a lot of Brit podcasts, including comedy - and the later LOVE taking the piss out of GBBO... that is the only way I know it, and I am good with that....

$88k came out of the lawyer’s PR / marketing budget, every nouveau-pretend-rich NJ couple in financially / legal troubles will want him now... ~wink~

Wowsers, no wonder it was a Full House!

Thank you, I will be here all week...

What is it worth I wonder...

I started a fellow camper’s late model Land Rover with one of these at Gentleman of the Road in Sedalia, CO this summer... it was click-click battery dead as well...

I started a fellow camper’s late model Land Rover with one of these at Gentleman of the Road in Sedalia, CO this

This is like taking what comes out of optic nerves and projecting on a screen... the brain - as the article infers - does so much ‘post processing’...

That said, neato...

Insurance company driven, soon enough there will be a two tier insurance system...

Insurance company driven, soon enough there will be a two tier insurance system...

Take your adventure sport motorcycles? I know at least 10 ladies that would and could do that! :)

Next Roman Polanski, Robert Duerst, and... and...