Amber Heard <—- collective noun for gingers; especially noticeably when the sun comes out and they all scurry together for shade, like old school zombies #SaveTheTerriors
Trying to tease it out of you ;)
Whereabouts in London?
The Prussians (i.e., later part of the united German) played a crucial role in the Battle of Waterloo, that is Wellington held the field, but the arrival of the Prussians enabled them to take it...
‘Germany’ (i.e., Bavaria, Austria, Prussia and the rest of 100+ little principalities and the like) were very closely…
He once ran for MP for the Chipping Norton seat, as a member of the Numpty Party...
“could be powered by environmentally-friendly hydrogen fuel.” <— an aside, but pertinent... MAKING the hydrogen is NOT environmentally friendly within the current energy industry, it takes energy - even if it is solar or wind... it is also hard to transport and store...
(10) sounds like you got a deal in both regards...
I have NEVER bought anything off a registry, they are the gift equivalent of Seinfeld’s Hallmark Hookers... buy your own f*cking toaster...
<noticing that wallet not as full>: sorry, yeah, sorry and all that
Love that the judge was a women, and holding all of the proverbial strings...
Wrap the riders in bubble wrap?
Have robot camel jockeys ride the bikes?
I fly a fair amount for work, and I adjusted my expectations to believe domestic flying is a Metro bus with wings; with this adjustment I am much less peeved about flying. For me, the following works:
(1) check a bag if work is paying, and make your carry-on what will fit under the seat in front of you, readily…