
Sonic! You're actually back!

This won't affect current prices, but it will affect the lack of price increases going forward. Now that they can attain higher profits and lower operating costs at a great value (i.e. the same price) to the customer, they likely won't drop the price down. Arguably speaking, that doesn't necessarily mean that they

Who was Ratman?

Fair, indeed.

For shizzle.

Holy crap. That just put Geometry Wars to shame in terms of gameplay visibility.

Not sure if you had seen it, but I'm sure others haven't. It's also posted in two articles (by accident), so enjoy re-seeing it twice, lol.

What has been seen...

EDIT: Luke, I posted this in the wrong article's comment section. I meant to put this with the Zelda screenshots. Sorry about that.

There are a few of adult Link.


Spot freakin' on.


I really wanted X.

Do you all remember when Vidhagans published some really cool DS cases that she made? I contacted her and she made me this case for my 3DS. I love it!

If taking 'that next geeky step' occurs when you own two consoles, then no words can describe the nerd level of those on this site (myself included).

In order for them to clear out inventory, they would have had to stop production (unless you're referring to clearing out of certain components). If that were happening, the rumor mill would be churning with reports of the Wii being ceased from the assembly lines. At the same time, we'd probably have spy shots of the

Keep in mind though, Nintendo did make the original. Grezzo's just adding 3d and a bottom menu. It's not going to be too different.

For further commentary, at 1:50, I was expecting explosive diarrhea.

Take note fellow Kotakuites on how to grab the attention of anyone viewing your YouTube video: