
1/4/11 - Xenogears still not in the marketplace. I wonder what's going on. I feel like a fever is setting in.

@P4KO: You have won the internet today. Enjoy.

EA is a bunch of Unitologists.

How long does it take to beat?

@Laith: I am NOT being sarcastic. I absolutely love JRPG's, and have since I was a kid. Hell, my avatar is even from FF7.

My love/my everything for video games is confined to four letters:


@samwise227: You have to watch out in your analysis of inflation rates. The last 10 years' rates have been during a time of stagflation; they haven't really moved from their high levels. However, your point about the original price in 2005 of the PSP is good insight for the negative-price crowd.

@Siorra: Why does the UK (or all European countries) get the shaft when it comes to gaming? As a US resident, I'm naive to the reasoning of this.

The question still stands - would I buy the system for $250. Yes. However, the question should be flipped to ask if their core customer base can afford this, and for that I would say "no". $250 is a lot to ask the family of a 7-17 year old to cough up for, well, anything. Add the expensive handheld lineup in a

@Cruxics: Awesome! I remember reading back about the two designs, but I didn't know both had two analog sticks. Thank you for the info!

@dracosummoner: I believe they are fighting between a couple of designs, one being with two analog sticks. However, this is a mockup.

@Richard Gagnon: It was in Florida at the time. We picked up the game at Sears of all places. Megaman X was $65 there (later on).

@simbot15: No. Friend codes killed Smash Bros.