@Erwin: Touché
@Erwin: Touché
So, on a side note (relating to the album art), that is a safety razor blade. I highly recommend every male who has facial hair to try shaving with a safety razor; it will change your life.
@GrinderRobot: Gaming on my Mac makes me far less productive. My Mac is supposed to make me productive. /sarcasm
Brian, how awesome is it to have these kinds of ridiculously awesome promotional items at your doorstep?
@Kobun: That's a great link! Thank you!
Fallout 3 really opened my eyes to 40's-50's music. I love the 40's station on Sirius, a new love that was gained out of influence from a video game.
The iPhone was invented for long poops.
@chewblaha: The babies have flippers.
@Akisazame: I read the article and understood that. I was also making somewhat of an anecdotal remark toward my enjoyment of Uematsu's work in relation to the company name (somewhat of a corporate identity with SquareEnix, even though he is freelance).
Nobuo Uematsu or bust.
@Bizzenya: Is Fuzz Butt drooling?
@Silvier: These posts are making me sad :(
@Kodie Beckley: Well said. I agree completely.
@Robert Kotick: This made me laugh, really, really hard!
So, in my attempt to let society decide that, due to my age, I am an "adult", I decided to try to play the part. Apparently during my hiatus from the reality that I'm still a young dork, I have missed out on the term for the awkward quasi-hippie-emo stage, which is known as a "hipster". I heard this term the other day…
@Cake Tank!: My bike?
If I can get Megaman at the Alamo, I would be happy. (quick mockup included). Image uploader is not working.