
I completely agree that the game looks amazing, but on a different note, it looks like an upgraded Phantasy Star Universe. I think it's the character models (IMO).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a picture a while back of Shigeru playing Pachinko? Maybe the next console is a Pachinko machine?

At least the MBP will run it. I can't wait to pick this game up!

I hope this solves the problems with Wii Baseball. Please.

Hats off for the use of The Jerk quote. That made my day. On another note, I don't feel justified paying $10 for an iPhone game. Just me? Probably.

What year is this for the DSLite? I figured we'd expect to hear something at least before the holiday season for possibly a new DS upgrade. I'll err on the side of caution and give props to the individual who goofed up.

Mike, forgive me for this. I started reading the article, only to lose thought about Guitar Hero for the DS. I'm in this mental lull right now and the only thing DS related I can think about is Chrono Trigger.

I still can't get over that hair. He's like, I don't know, the Japanese Kramer. Bash, have you ever met this guy?

Just reading Zelda and Dev Team gets me all excited and giddy.

Best post ever.

I know I could be wrong, but doesn't eBay have a policy about breaking street dates with hardware?


I can't wait for this game!!!!!!!!!!!

RPG fans, please tell me if you agree with this:

Tis' a Samus shoulder.

I looked, but soon thereafter, I stopped looking. Personally, I don't think either look better. Then again, I do own the three major current-gen consoles and don't care to compare them. I think the next comparison should be load times on those games. I've always been curious of the difference between the PS3 and 360

As long as my MBP (2.4 Penryn) can handle it, I will be okay. If not, I shall cry.