It should be! That's how I spent my mornings before school: watching Pokemon.
You win the internet today!
It was a great day when we each got our own gameboys. I had the Gameboy Pocket: Ice Blue Edition. It was pwetty. (I may still have it at my parent's house. Now I must find it on my next visit)
I'm voting Prince again and it looks like he is being beaten out AGAIN. HOW???
We had one for the three of us. We each had our own games and would fight over it. Then the battery would die and we would be stuck next to an outlet for 4 hours playing it. Original Gameboy needs to win this.
For some people watching the olympics in real time is meaningful and putting the olympics (an event every fours years) in the same category as the nightly news (keyword: nightly) is ridiculous.
I once bought a friend who was expecting the onesie that said "Daddy's Little Squirt" and had little sperm swimming all over it. It was hilarious.
Zigazig ah.
You are not alone. Being in my mid-twenties, many friends on facebook are getting engaged (four in the last six months) and a few are constantly posting about invites and needing addresses and I think that is just asking for trouble.
"Streaming is convenient but it sure as hell ain't meaningful."
I will buy you that drink that lamnumber 4 cannot.
That is horrible and I am so sorry that nobody had common sense to help you and that the drunken asshat thought he had the right to put his hands on you. I have always made it a point to watch out for other friends at parties, male or female. I've even dragged two friends away from a drunk stranger at a bar and told…
Which makes even more sense because my brother became a stoner for most of his teen years.
Donatello was my TMNT crush because he was smart and used a defensive weapon (my geekness started early).
Gargoyles was an awesome show.
How is The Rachel winning????
"Hey honey, can you brush my back hair?"