Mrs. Who

I took my husband to see this today as a father’s day gift. I have never played any Warcraft games and only know of them by proxy to the husband. I know of horde and alliance and a lich King and then a dragon and then pandas. I did read the article io9 posted about the background lore. After watching the movie I felt

I read Dealing With Dragons as a kid and loved it! I found the other books a few years ago and read all four. Then I gave them to my daughter who equally loves them. One of my favorite scenes is when Cimorene is confronted by a wizard for the first time and he makes the ledge she is standing on invisible. She keeps

I absolutely love this series and am beyond excited for this!!!

So what’s Patrick Rothfuss’ excuse?

My friend and I dressed as batgirl and female robin for Halloween one year and I spent my speech class the day before writing out onomatopoeias on neon colored index cards. I bought some double-sided tape and we spent the Halloween party sticking them on all the guests.

I think the shark repellent was my favorite.

BUDGET MAGNETO had me rolling!

The fruit. Just one. It still boggles my mind.

Several years ago I went on a very mediocre date. When we got back to his apartment he asked if I wanted to watch a movie. Without asking what unwanted to watch he started up “The Departed”. He kept going on about how I needed to see it all while trying to put moves on me. I wasn’t resistant, it was just a weird set

Oh where do I start? Background I guess. I have always been well endowed since I hit puberty and the girls just keep getting bigger and bigger. My older sister is shorter with a more petite build and therefore smaller chest. So she could wear cute tanks and shorts and look “cute” while I would try to wear the same

Mr. Who and I had 7 each. If it had been up to him, he would have had twice that number. He told me to pick my party and get the number and he would use that to keep his side reasonable. Yes. 7 was reasonable for us. We are in the south so to everyone elsewhere knew this was average. I at first told all my bridesmaids

I am so glad someone else appreciated the “Easy, Mack” line.

I agree. I understand why the policy is in place but how often does that close of proximity really happen?

She's more than welcome to unpaid time off. Her and her husband just can't afford for her to go without a paycheck for a month. That's why she has to go back part time. If they could afford it then she would stay home for the rest of the time.

That was one of the first things she asked but they said its from when she had the baby and vacation planned for that doesn’t count as being there. It’s bullcrap.

This is terrifying. My sister had her baby on Nov 5th. She had planned to take 6 weeks leave. 4 weeks paid maternity and 2 from all her vacation time. She checked with her supervisor, who checked with HR who said she would be covered. After she had the baby she found out that the baby was born 11 days from when she

I also had someone in my Facebook post a picture of her and her mother in Paris when they went on a trip several years ago. I had a major issue with that. That was more click bait to me than the change to the Tricolore.

I must agree Pinkham. Waffles are far superior.

We only did them because the photographer I found was offering a half off deal for one of her packages that was just engagement photos and the wedding day photos. It was $500. I was ecstatic at the price and Mr. Who and I actually had fun and we love having pictures of us that aren’t just from the wedding where we