@ProgenDev: I'd agree. I even admitted, some of these declarations have viability. But you can't just go around declaring everything dead willy-nilly. Thats all I'm sayin :)
@ProgenDev: I'd agree. I even admitted, some of these declarations have viability. But you can't just go around declaring everything dead willy-nilly. Thats all I'm sayin :)
I've read this site for a long time. And I've seen you guys declare a lot of things dead or dying, especially from Jesus.
@Peugeot: Just remember the #corrections tag
@David Stephenson: I just placed a call with the built in mike and speakers on my Macbook. Worked great.
@musiqrulez: I'll give this a try as soon as I can. Thank you all for your help!
@musiqrulez: Because I dont know how to do that either, mostly :)
I have been trying to figure this out for a while with just no luck.
@lolbrbnvm: not the craziest thing to ever happen, that's for sure.
@sos10: a star commenter on Jalop should never need to ask that question.
@Louis Andrew: While the corrections tag is great and appreciated by the editors here, I doubt the editors from Wired are going to come to Gizmodo where their post has been reprinted to see if anyone found a typo.
@kake81: But not everyone here at LH reads Gizmodo like, say, you and I.
I am trying to find some new blogs to rill my newsreader with. Something that posts semi-irregularly. I don't have a ton of time a day so I dont wan't it to be clogged up with any more stuff, but occasional posts would be great. I just like to learn new stuff, so blogs of various and interesting topics would be…
@Tom29193: In the case of the CD, if the people you are listening to can only produce one good song, you should check your music tastes. Real musicians write real music all album long. Singles are for pop-stars and modern day "rappers".
@Koda89: Did you not enjoy those maps the first time? Will you not play them now? Come on, if it was 5 new maps, you'd probably still complain because thats what gamers do. We whine because nothing is ever good enough for us.
@Sol Badguy - Appears to be an AKG fan: So there is at least one rational thinker in this space. Good to know.
Am I the only person who thinks this price is actually acceptable? You pay 15 bucks for 5 new maps. That's 3 dollars a map. Will you seriously not get 3 dollars worth of entertainment and fun out of each map in the pack? We are all so used to everything being dirt cheap because it's digital we seem to be forgetting…
@Buster Friendly: You've probably just planned my V-Day dinner for me. Thanks a million! At the very worst, I screw it all up and she still loves me for trying! :)
@Buster Friendly: Well that's just it. I have no idea. I don't cook often and I'm not super great at it. So I'm trying to find something good but not too complicated to make.
@dnlandes: Thanks for the help guys!
Valentine's day is coming up and I want to surprise my girlfriend by cooking for her. I'm not a great cook but I'm going to try something. She loves wine and I want to get her a good bottle of wine for whatever I decide to cook. I don't know much about wine, so is there a webpage or resource that could help me pair a…