
I just got a 32" monitor to attach my MacBook to. I want to use it to watch videos in VLC full screen, but still use my laptop screen for web browsing and whatnot. Problem is, VLC blacks out my laptop screen when it goes full screen. I can use QuickTime to watch them and it works, but I prefer VLC. Any suggestions on

@GR1NG0_SU4V3: For us, it's strawberry that's the worst.

@GR1NG0_SU4V3: I feel your pain. I've worked in Marble Slab for 6 years. 6!

It's a shame Cold Stone has to whore out their name like this to drum up business. Then again when you have a less-than stellar product, you do whatever you can to make people forget your ice cream tastes terrible.

I watched these guys drive right in front of my store! it was insane. i thought the poor guy was gonna end up dead or dying.

@chorx: If I had the resources, I'd make a game about getting jumped too. A trilogy even!

I'll have to play it and die over and over again, just so 50 dies over and over. Almost as good as real life. Except, he wont actually die.

I'm definitely not one to act as Grammar Police, but this sentence-"...worried about leaving behind your most-loved extensions behind, fear now" kinda worried me.

@egojab: Just Uninstall the software. it should revert back to its original state.

I've been using this for about two weeks now. I love it. Leftsider, the program the puts the close/minimize buttons on the left side of the screen, makes my day. But it's nice to have such a clean looking desktop despite the fact that I'm stuck with Vista!

It's definitely never worked for me. Almost like some sad practical joke by the windows developers.