Cheese Is a Kind of Meat

I thought that term was mostly dead and cliche for at least the past 10 years.

Maybe they could do a documentary on whatever the fuck happened to their old pal Jay Johnston.

Xelia Mendes-Jones identifies as he/they, there’s actually a notable lack of female BoS shown

Dane is not a “her”. Even the uber-religious Elders of the Brotherhood of Steel referred to Dane as they/them.

They/them not she for Dane.

I know what you mean about swinging onto Maximus when Lucy’s story was so great. BTW I’m pretty sure Xelia Mendes-Jones character is a them/they not a she. I enjoyed the first ep and (*slight spoiler alert*) was great to see Matt Berry appear in the shorts at the end. In the flesh no less. All signs point to this

Who said Norrin Rad was being deleted? This is a different character. 

I know! Who but Guitar Center tech dorks ever listened to Joe Satriani?

It’s been a while, but was there anything that qualified it as a remake besides “zombies in a mall?”

I hate Disney as a company. And I REALLY hate idiots like Gina Carano and Ron DeSantis who force me to take Disney’s side.

They’re probably more unnerved by the actual abuse.

Oh fuck off and fuck everyone. What the fuck is going on, what are we fucking doing. Jesus fucking Christ. 

Do you know anything about the actual lawsuit or did you read a couple lines from this article and decide to start banging away on your keyboard?

Pretty much all writing regarding the MCU is straight-up clickbait ever since the Scorcese thing. It’s so depressingly cynical.

I’m actually angry at how bad this is and pretty shocked to see this getting anything higher than C-grades week after week. They added jump scares and a couple of easter eggs to season 1 to what is essentially one of those crummy AMC shows that came out in the wake of Breaking Bad/Season 1 of TD that were attempting

I’m not sure how this rates an A- when you conclude with this:

I thought his issue with this season was that it also doesn’t plagiarize Thomas Ligotti and Alan Moore verbatim. 

Dumb people like you only have the ability to think in these terms. 

It’s subjective. Many people never loved him; some of us were amazed at the hipster enthusiasm where people had Bill Murray bumper stickers on their vehicles and whatnot. Whatever your nostalgia is for Meatballs or Ghost Busters.