
Its Travolta.

I think you mean, are nothing like real doctors.

An embarrassing video from a disgraced shock-jock, eh Jez?

I’m familiar with the term “box office poison” from Norm MacDonald’s sick burn about a Carrot Top movie, 20 years ago on Late Night with Conan O’Brien.

Hey, that’s not what influence means, it means informed your style and your work.

I don’t understand the outrage here.

WTF should my take-away be from this story?

Do you guys do news, or mainly just ambiguous t-shirt analysis?

Both the characters in your image from Cheers were married.

I’m in the arts, and always found Ghomeshi and the CBC to be unlistenable. They don’t have to compete with commerical radio, so they don’t bother. So, the base of listenership becomes smaller each year, and the funding cuts gradually get cut worse and worse.

Sounds fun! She’s unique! Empowering!

I’m Canadian.

Oh my god, she had to interact with a member of the public? One who sounded maybe hostile? The worst.

You don’t have to. It was very good, maybe the best episode I’ve seen, and the characterization of the trans stuff in the article, as well as in the comments, is way off base.

You left out the part where Mulder says it happens all the time, just saying. But, its very important given the topic of your piece.

Not sure if there are many Howard Stern fans on here, but one of his regular callers, Sour Shoes, does a mad dog impression so dead-on its eerie.

This is actually dead on. As a dude whose town recieved an accumulated 15 feet of snow last winter, I can honestly say it is not the ladies doing the shovelling.

Interesting, interesting.

“When my mom called a few minutes later, she balked when I told her which show I was watching. “What about the baby?” she said.”