

I don't know, see! Clove's top of the pops, kid! You'll never catch me, copper! I got a cigarette machine in my apartment!

I always buy mine with a pack of BlackJack gum! Hey, I hear it's going to come back in style!

Green Arrow, I bow to your infinite cleverness.

Prince Valiant fucking RULES

I once read a great blog post by Kid Icarus about he and Link running a train on that Princess, as well as Zelda herself, down on Santa Monica one night.


Sorry, man, I just do not have the time anymore to go through hundreds of comments when the article has only been up for twelve hours. I wish I did.

Live in a fire, my good man

I heard on NPR that Palin could be getting 7 to 10 million for that fucking book.

by the way
How priceless was that look of pure joy on Jack's face when the van pulled up to the rescue at the Dharma barracks? Not to mention gun-toting Jack was capping Dharmans with Dirty Harry-caliber badassness.

That's why they call me
I am expert

656 comments at 7 in the morning?

His name, sounds good in your ear;
But you mustn't fearrrrr;
Because his name, can be said, by any man

Yeah, the Isotopes name is fantastic. The only time I go and see our local AAA affiliate is when the 'Topes are in town, because then I can go on a Simpsons-quoting rampage in the stands and no one can say shit.

Hey Towelie
Here's your requisite make-fun-of-the-picture thread.

There was this time
That I was at the bar after closing and Matt Maginn was so hammered he slid out of his chair onto the floor and I had to help get him into a taxi.

Talk about deforestation
Now THAT'S how you clear a rainforest, am I right?

Nice work, Clubbists.