
Can't wait
for Lebowski, if only to see how full the comments will be of quotes.

Normal and requisite

I just tried to watch some of these. Titles like "Denise Richards' Funbags", "Zac Efron's Pool Party", and "Lindsay Lohan's eHarmony Profile". The Lohan one is particularly shitty, seeing as how it's been so long since I've seen her act that I've forgotten how bad she is. Just do more high-five videos.

I did the same thing. I felt pretty stupid after my then-girlfriend corrected me, much to her amusement.

Here come the Real Housewives of Delaware!

::vomits into trash can::

Hey! What goddamn show are we talking about here? If you want to bitch about the ending of BSG, you had your fucking chance weeks ago! I can't stop using exclamation points!

But the Lynch idea is cool.

Yeah, he is, bitches.

That's true. I like seeing her make out with strippers, that's for sure.

I'm sure there's a complete solved guide somewhere out here.


So does Olivia always wear blacks and greys? I guess I haven't paid that much attention.

Bret Easton Ellis?
More like Bret Easton Awesome, right?

Well, American Psycho, The Informers, and Glamorama were all written in the 90s.

Avary's definitely the only one who could pull it off.



Various herbs and pine yum!

IES Chang sounds like a low-ranking officer of some kind