Skir Mernet

@AngriestGeek: the difference? 8 years of wear on her face by 7 pounds of makeup a day.

@PATRICK SWAYZE 2.0: 20-30 is bad, anything above 35 you don't see the difference, trust me

@fluffywarthog1029: actually, if you notice, they're talking about ionisation, not fusion or fission.

@Mr_Academic: what i really find interesting is the idea of a point in the universe where the density of matter in vacuum was close to the current density of our atmosphere. what if those 2 coincided? what if, at one point, it would have been possible to take in a deep breath, step out the hatch of a space craft, and

@corpore-metal: while i appreciate your obviously well researched knowledge, this seems to me at least like an overly simple and deceptive explanation.

@HektikLyfe: no, a positron is positive. positronium is theoretically neutral but behaves as if it was of negative charge.

@philosopher_dog: dont buy applecare on ebay. there's a lot of scams on that actually. i'd get a guy a week like that when i was an apple tech. the APP is one of the best extended warranties out there, and if you're someone who likes their warranty, or if you use tech support a lot, it's a lifesaver.

@Oxygengrrl: that moderate amounts of alcohol in your bloodstream will make you more relaxed and thus let you bet more consistent results?

i think i fell victim to a compatibility issue.

@Eridani: i'm down with enormous prehistoric shrimp clones for dinner.

@Lt_gunner: and rightfully so, my friend. no company should be able to get away with such high failure rates.

@SotSS: by home turf i mean nation. invasion. an armed man threatening the lives of his fellow countrymen is acting against his country and is considered an enemy. if he refuses to surrender, one can take the necessary means to protect the rest of his countrymen.

@Ski: while i don't agree with you at many levels, i do want to say, i strongly respect you, and am glad you took the time to write all this. my rebuttal will follow once the girlfriend isn't around to take my attention away :P

@Modus11: oh i don't hope they get out, far from that. no i'm cool with life. altho over here, recidivism isn't as bad as the US, it's still too much to take a chance with someone like that.

@Marcus Green: and thats why i'm for forced labor. 3 inch chains, a mallet and a pile of rock. hit the rock until its gravel. replace the rock. repeat. they won't live as long, they won't cost as much in all things entertainment/exercise, won't require as much surveillance (don't get me wrong, they'll still need

@xAzathothx: fallacy at its best, i see. while the death penalty does keep you from doing it again, would you not take every possible alternative to going to jail to be executed? won't you make a stand with an ak-47 when they come to get you? won't you make sure you kill any witness so they don't identify you? i'm