“I wanted to expose the rot and corruption in Congress so much that I proved it by being rotten and corrupt.”
“I wanted to expose the rot and corruption in Congress so much that I proved it by being rotten and corrupt.”
I think the correct term is “Legacy Sequel”.
I’ll confess I thought we had a Glass Onion moment . . .
His physical comedy in “The Whole Nine Yards” was so good.
Yup. “Capitalism” isn’t some perfect natural state, it only exists within a regulatory framework. But for decades rich people and giant corporations have spent a LOT of money convincing people that DEREGULATION is great for everyone and the only “true” capitalism is the version where they get to do whatever the fuck…
I think the key would be developing pre-Hulk Banner. They kinda did that in Hulk, but it was all muddled. He needs to start off with a bookish version of Raylan Givens’ “seething rage behind a veneer of friendliness” energy. This is a guy who aggressively swallows his anger in an unhealthy way. Maybe include some…
Yeah, a standalone Hulk story is basically The Wolfman. That’s a story that can certainly work by itself, but the problem is that the audience is there to see The Hulk and Bruce Banner’s whole life is about NOT being The Hulk. So we’re in fundamental conflict with the protagonist. If Bruce Banner wins, we lose. And…
Okay, so . . . why in the fuck would they ever be required to be alone together? It’s a movie, even in the most minimal two-hander scene there are, like, 10 other people in the room.
Yeah, among all the myriad reasons that movie sucked ass, the VFX wasn’t especially bad.
The remake is no classic, but it’s a fun, fluffy Saturday afternoon caper/revenge flick.
I supposed, but I get his daughter’s point. You could definitely see an Asian movie star in the early 70s being anything other than deferential to the point of obsequiousness getting tagged as arrogant. Kinda like how a lot of actresses have undeservedly gotten the label of “difficult” for standing up for themselves.
Well, yeah, the movie takes it as a given that the consumerist dream of having just the right stuff is hollow and meaningless. But it’s clear that Tyler’s nihilist “tear it all down” Project Mayhem cult is just as empty.
Fight Club is also extremely of its time. Book published in ‘96, movie in ‘99, it was that period between the collapse of the Soviet Union and before 9/11 when “we have no great war, no great depression” where the world was ostensibly fine, and yet there was still this yawning chasm of emptiness. It’s no accident that…
You can find out, there are a few fan recut movie-length Obi-Wan edits out there, including one by a professional FX artist who’s going all-out (PixelJoker95) and is supposed to be released by the end of the year.
Hardy has weirdly aged out of playing an evil clone of Stewart . . .
I think the MCU figured out the “just because . . .” stuff doesn’t work as well in movies when they tried to make standalone sequels after the first Avengers movie. It begged the question, “Why wasn’t Steve Rogers engaged with the whole “assassinate the President” thing in Iron Man 3?” or “Why didn’t anybody show up…
Yup, but also has a whole agency running around trying to detain anyone displaying powers who is unregistered.
I don’t know if that’s so much a “rumor” as it is a collective wish from fans (myself included).
They also have to prep the MCU for the introduction of the X-Men, which they’ve already started to do.