
My head-canon was that planets like Tattooine and Hoth only had tiny habitable zones, while the rest of the planet was an uninhabitable scorched or frozen hellscape. Bespin is a gas giant, so no problem there. The only other planet where I recall there specifically being a single biome (and not just that the place we

Eh, they’re young, they don’t realize the relative lack of hangover is due to being 20 years old and having the most effective booze-filtering metabolism of their whole lives and NOT whatever silly “hangover-beating” bullshit they come up with.

The Crow is an interesting one because so much of the look and feel of that movie is defined by filming and editing around Brandon Lee’s death. The first 20 minutes is completely different than what they’d planned, as the intent was to have more “happy family unit” scenes before the murder. Since they only had a

My favorite Roman moment from the original run was when he was somehow on the verge of getting together with a porn star but couldn’t stop himself from being pedantic about the difference between fantasy and sci-fi. Even though he knew that if he could just not be a dick he would’ve very likely gotten laid by a porn

Avocado for the comment sections, Vulture or Polygon for articles. Den of Geek has fun articles, but stay the hell away from the comments. 

I’m of two minds. One, yeah, totally agree. Audiences are spoiled rotten with the astonishingly beautiful, near-real CG environments. It’s annoying if you can’t tell what’s happening on-screen (the final fight scene in the first Black Panther springs to mind, which was just poorly conceived. It’s a bad idea to have

I was back there for Thanksgiving and the Gen Z servers and bartenders still sounded awfully damn southern. I think they did what I did . . . move away from the South and then do everything possible to shed the accent.

And yet, they STILL all sound like they’re from Southern California. 

Having grown up in the Outer Banks, I couldn’t get past the fact that everyone in this show sounds like they’re from Pasadena.

It’s not your imagination, Starbucks coffee is burnt. They wanted a “signature” taste and it made it easy when they just burn the shit out of their beans and managed to convince people to like it. 

Now playing

I’ve never been to a Ponderosa, but I have vivid memories of commercials pushing the “endless sundae bar”, which to me was a crazy fantasyland full of endless possibilities. I pestered my Mom for what seemed like years (though in reality was probably a couple of months), but both then and now she has nothing but

I love the director’s commentary for Requiem for a Dream. Especially the bit about writers from Fangoria showing up during the . . .(SPOILERS)

There’s another potential reason for the quick turnaround that has nothing to do with the desire to flip tables and would happen at the fancy fine dining place I once worked at. If the kitchen is staffed for a full restaurant and the place is only half-full (or less) the kitchen doesn’t slow down, so food comes out a

I could see it working. I went from ordering food 4-5 times a week to cooking healthy food at home over a year ago due to being wildly overweight and the looming potential for the diabeetus, and step one was to avoid food commercials like the plague and never, ever, EVER scroll through a delivery app when I was hungry.

I think Gunn/Safran ended up in a tough position re: Superman. To me it sounds like they did want Henry Cavill until they got into building their long-term story, and figured out that their plans really needed a much younger Superman. For others, like Amanda Waller or maybe Wonder Woman and Aquaman, (and the rest of

Uncle Ben wasn’t explicitly mentioned, but when Peter was talking about how he didn’t want May to find out about being Spider-Man he obliquely referenced him with a line that was something like, “It’s already hard for her with everything that’s happened this past year.” It was the MCU’s version of saying, “hey, you’ve

Sorta fun story: I was sorta-kinda-technically in Jerry McGuire. I was attending Arizona State at the time and they had a call to make 50 bucks as a background extra for the stadium shots (at the time, the Cardinals played in ASU’s stadium, so it was a short walk from my dorm).

The only thing I remember about Any Given Sunday is they rip a guy’s eye out in the end zone! And they just run out and pick it up and keep playing. It immediately crosses than line into self-parody . . . might as well rip off some arms while they’re at it.