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I say the same thing whenever this kind of complaint comes up, it’s a weekly hour and a half live sketch comedy TV show. The very premise of the thing is insane. So, yeah, they’re going to have some sketch comedy crutches, like a game show sketch, or a commercial parody sketch, or a talk-show sketch, or a “crazy

The Hollywood Quiz sketch worked great for me, mostly because I was equally as clueless as the contestants when it came to anything remotely recent, including bona fide movie stars in critically acclaimed movies I’ve never heard of.

I think they were leaning really hard on Kate towards the end of her run. “Eh, it doesn’t matter if the sketch is sub-par, just let Kate do her Kate thing and it’ll be fine.”

THAT’S the one.

Sounds like they put an accountant in charge of a restaurant chain and got predictable results. 

The thing with copaganda is that it’s aspirational. These are the cops we wish we had.

I have a vague memory of an episode of 21 Jump Street where one of our cop heroes gets a guy into interrogation and wears him down until he confesses, then the guy turns out to be completely innocent. We know it’s fiction since the cop hero is despondent over it, but it was still pretty bold for a cop show to show a

I don’t remember which episode it’s in, but I remember a scene where Columbo does the least cop thing ever. Some guy who’s adjacent to the case (but not THE guy) is talking to Columbo, tying himself in knots trying to hide an affair with the victim, and Columbo says something to the effect of, “Let me stop you right

If you look for it, there’s almost always a moment in those first scenes where Columbo knows who the culprit is. Sometimes he explains it at the end, “You never should’ve let me read your palm . . .”, other times he doesn’t, but if you’ve seen these episodes as much as I have, Falk gives a couple of little tells that

I’m fine with the Poker Face “human lie detector” angle specifically because it’s unexplained. They don’t try to “science” it, they don’t do the “people have specific tells . . .” bit (his eyes went up to the left, what that means is he’s accessing a different part of the brain . . . blah, blah, blah), or even have

There seems to be something missing in modern attempts at multi-camera sitcoms. I think it’s in the acting/directing area. You can see it on Night Court where John Larroquette is the best thing about it, and all the other actors seem to be pitching their performance to the rafters like they’re on a Disney sitcom.

I did rather like when a character from Cheers showed up they addressed the retcon the creators pulled for the spin-off, namely that Frasier explicitly said that his father was dead and that everyone at Cheers thought he was an only child. 

I can confirm your air fryer idea. I’ve often reanimated dead fast food fries that way. A few squirts of avocado oil, a few minutes in the air fryer at 350 degrees, and they’re brand new again. 

Wasn’t he dead for a while to make space for “Aunt Harriet”? How long did that last? 

I always found it amusing that the two of them time traveled from the 50s to the 70s between their appearance on Happy Days and starting their own show. 

The last time I saw a recent picture it certainly appears that the Biebs is aging like an avocado. 

Canto Bight drove me absolutely bananas. They didn’t make the slightest effort to make it an alien casino, just re-skinned a bunch of leftover shit from a Harrahs and called it a day. I’m pretty sure we’ve seen Star Wars credits before but nah, just use regular round coins. You can watch and say, “okay, blackjack,

The problem with The Last Jedi was a structural issue started in The Force Awakens by JJ Abrams who loves his “no plan” mystery boxes, and ended  on a cliffhanger which meant TLJ couldn’t be a months-or-years later standalone episode in the way every other Star Wars movie had been, (with the implied world and

The thing is, American companies have figured out “the right” doesn’t know how to do the boycott thing. It’s one of the reasons why most companies don’t give a shit what conservatives think, anymore. The way the right wing “fights back” is to buy their shit so they can publicly burn or destroy it, but they still buy

They knew no one actually cared that much about Green being too sexy, but knew if they made any kind of deal about it, someone like Tucker Carlson would jump on it and get them a ton of publicity.