
Wait, when the hell did the anti-vaxx bit become a "liberal" thing rather than an "idiot" thing? Moron right-wingers who rally against water fluoridation haven't vaccinated for decades 'cause of the guv-mint control, but now that some idiot neo-hippies in California started doing it, it's a liberal thing?

Oh, yeah, "Pump" was truly the commitment to "let's produce the SHIT out of this album" that they never really let go. What happened with "Get A Grip", I think, was that they pushed even farther into super-slick over-production while the rest of us were discovering (or rediscovering) the joys of raw-edged

I don't think anything we saw in that video can be referred to as "subtext". It's all pretty much just text. Liv dances in a (sorta) strip-club for Alicia Silverstone while Silverstone is in drag, for cryin' out loud. If that's toned down, what the hell was the director's original plan aside from just making it porn?

The pure, pop-rock joy of "Permanent Vacation" and "Pump" are undeniable. However, "Get a Grip" made the unforgivable mistake of being something my little sister liked. For a thirteen year old boy, seeing a band on my 9 year old sister's shelf alongside Debbie Gibson and the boy-band-of-the-moment was the death of

Whenever I saw that video, my thought was, "Steven, that's your DAUGHTER, dude."

Not to mention:
Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Sure, the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was trapped in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them. Because one time, I turned into a dog and they

Eh, we'll throw in some fart jokes and a talking dog, or something.

This story is perfect. Aside from the Harrison Ford jokes, we also have him crashing on a golf course where TWO doctors just "happened" to be at the scene.

My guess is that his splinter happened simultaneously with the big bang of the bomb and with the power of the explosion (mumble-mumble) ends up in 1987.

Oh yeah, that was way more "intimidation" than "surveillance".

Eh, maybe ONE season too long. The Crowe family just didn't work out long-term, even as the individual pieces were great. Still love it, but it's run its course.

There are certainly parallels, I think it's that Jimmy's desperation is a lot more unfocused than Walter White's, and the path that takes him from "well-meaning lawyer and brother trying to be successful the right way" to "sleazy CRIMINAL lawyer" is going to be quite a bit more twisty than "Chem teacher with cancer

This is Albuquerque PD, we're talking about, kinda surprised they didn't shoot Chuck, the old lady, and some dog down the street while they were at it.

Exactly. I was convinced she was going to try to pay him with a Hummel.

Hell, Jimmy essentially described Elmore Leonard's criminals to Mike this week, saying how you expect them to be smarter. Leonard's criminals are almost always shortsighted and kinda stupid, that's why they're criminals. The hell of it is that the stupidity doesn't make them any less dangerous.

It's a much less DRAMATIC series than BB was, so I can understand why some people can't connect to it, but I'm with you. Saul Goodman is a caricature of a sleazy lawyer. Jimmy McGill is a poor sap trying to get by and help his brother. Connecting point A to point B may not be as big and flashy as BB (CANCER, METH,

Agreed. It seems to me he wants to be successful enough to get his brother to stop worrying about "Slippin Jimmy" and get better. "Rich" isn't even part of his universe right now.

Some lady calls and says a crazy-person is roaming around their upscale neighborhood? Oh yeah, cops will show. Crazy person stealing newspapers in downtown Albuquerque? Not so much.

Weirdly, it's actually a thing. At least, it's something a bunch of real people think they have. There's even a town for it. Wonder if Chuck'll end up there.

Yeah, 'cause that NEVER happens.