
I can't get too down on the actress, I think the job they handed her was ultimately impossible. Part of it is the situation, part is the writing, and part is Terry Farrell. We never got to know Jadzia without Dax, and we never know Ezri without Dax, so there's no way to compare the two with and without and how they

skipoJust a minor nit, it would probably be a good idea to mention that it was a direct adaptation of "Double Indemnity".
Plus, the opressive heat of the film really came about as an accident of weather. Somehow, that year Florida had an insane cold—wave, and it was near freezing for most of filming. During all of

Bullying as a whole is a damned tough issue to crack. It seems simple, but the fact is that school is pretty much the only environment where we are forced to interact with a wide variety of people on a daily basis who haven't learned how to fucking act.
I got my ass kicked frequently as a kid, but I also had a few


As others have mentioned, I think what we're seeing isn't a lack of technological know-how, but a crippling lack of resources and educated personnel.
Think it through. There was a devastating occupation by an aggressive species that lasted eight decades. The Cardassians functionally strip-mined the entire planet for

I'm pretty sure you're the only V: The Series fan . . . period. 

I figured the plan was a little better thought out than that. Lance is busted already, because of Dickie and the prison guard. So Dewey goes out and commits a bunch of crimes, which keeps the attention on him and off of Lance. If he doesn't get caught, he brings a bunch of money to Lance, who can safely leave town and

There was a Transformers 3? I've lost track . . .

ALL of their gore effects are fake-looking. It's a necessity of both the budgets AND logistical issues. (How can you show deep, slicing cuts into naked flesh without CGI or a lot of goofy camera tricks.)
What the first season (and whatever you call Gods of the Arena) did brilliantly was turn the fake-looking CGI into

Nah. Dewey's not important enough to kill. He's like the dog who bites all the neighbors, but he only weighs a half-pound and is missing most of his teeth, so no one ever calls animal control.  If he were just a little more competent, he'd probably be dead by now.

It doesn't need to be that deep. If Devil wins, Quarles wins, if Devil dies, Boyd has one less soldier. Simple. 

How on Earth would Boyd NOT know about the Dixie mafia? He knew they were around, and he almost definitely suspected that they'd be interested in the Harlan power vacuum. 

Raylan isn't BAD at fighting, he's just not the BEST at it, which is a nice dose of reality, when you think about it. Why does the main character in these shows have to be the best at everything?
He took on two guys while drunk off his ass and did pretty well, and it was established that Coover was a damn good

I agree, Evil Lincoln. There's a politeness to most of the dialogue that's always entertaining. It's kind of an old-fashioned civility that says, "I might stab you, I might shoot you, I might put you in jail, but there's no need not to be civil about it."

Meander, Voyager TOTALLY had a legal episode. (Some Doctor copy being put on trial for something or other having to do with Voyager being seen as evil  . . . something . . .) And, hey, now that I think of it, so did Enterprise. (Pretty sure I remember Archer and . . . somebody, Trip, probably, standing in that Klingon

Yeah, her "appearance" was clearly a few clips pulled from those first two seasons. She definitely didn't come back for the appearance. 

I'm willing to bet this was a rushed effort with a quick deadline, hence the almost first-draft quality. Still good, just kinda off-center and directionless. 

To be fair, the rationale was that he didn't have the TIME to slowly bleed him dry. I think that was mentioned in the voiceover. Damon had to take him out quickly.

I'm with you on the "Kev's keeping an innocent secret but Veronica thinks he's cheating on her" storyline being pretty stale. But, in addition to the flash cards, the visual gag of Veronica taking off her giant hoop earrings in preparation for the beat-down, then meekly putting them back on, made the whole thing worth