
Honestly, I'm not sure I want Whedon at the helm of a Star Wars movie. I like Whedon a whole lot and, a few issues aside, I liked AoU, but his dialogue style (as described by tvtropes: One of the most obvious elements is a lack of relevant vocabulary, leading to both unconventional adjectival-noun structures like

"Of course, that's par the course for a lot of big ensemble superhero films."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but before "The Avengers" there WERE no big ensemble superhero films.

That was the one. I must've gotten the designers mixed up in my head.

And the Italian Beef (unlike the Chicago-dog) is really hard to fuck-up. Beef, bread, giardiniera, and soaked to death. The end. Even really shitty Italian Beef is insanely good. Fuck up a Chicago-dog, though, and you confirm every complaint about the Chicago-dog. A proper Chicago-dog is like a weird work of art. It's

Yeah, that's a thing I never experienced before I moved to Chicago. It took a while to understand why you'd put a bunch of other vegetables in your hot peppers.

I kinda think it's just the fact that anyplace is associated with the fattiest, nastiest version of food. It goes back to people being shit-ass broke and needing every calorie they could get. Most of uniquely American cuisine is based on maximizing caloric intake in a small package.

Yeah, that's weird, isn't it? Cheddar and caramel aren't flavors that are supposed to work together. But it TOTALLY works, and turns into some sort of compulsion.

Well now you're just mixing shit up. It's impossible to wrap anything in a deep dish pie. Deep dish don't bend.

Pretty sure you're thinking about Texas. Don't know why, that just seems like a Texas thing.

I was just being snarky. Generally speaking if there is a discussion online, anywhere, about anything relating to Chicago, it's inevitable that 400 people from New Yawk will show up talking about how their city is better. Or maybe not even better, but they've just GOT to get New York into the conversation.

My mom is the same way. I remember watching an episode that I'm SHOCKED didn't make it into the video. Homeowner said, "Anything but brown. Hate the color brown. I'm okay with anything she does, as long as it's not brown." Hildi walks in, they TELL HER that the homeowner hates-hates-hates brown, and she says, "Ah,

You said Chicago was both "kinda like a larger Philly" and "Looks like a smaller New York" . . . neither of which are particularly true unless you're stuck on the "large metro area with tall buildings" metric. (By that standard, New York is just like Columbus, Ohio, only bigger.) I've been to Philly, and in terms of

So just to be clear, you're asking me for something completely unique within the Chicago city limits that there isn't any "equivalent of" anywhere between Boston, NY, Philadelphia, Baltimore, or DC? Gee, I guess you got me. I can't imagine anything I could come up with that one of those cities or stops in between

I used to have friends up in Milwaukee and, yeah, it's a fun city that's very different from Chicago.

Some parts of LA are cool. Venice, in particular. But, yeah, Chicago's happy to be its own city, doing its own thing, and then somebody's GOT to come along saying, "Well New York . . ." Dude, we weren't talking about New York.

I used to travel to KC for work a lot, and it's got a lot to recommend it. I always wished I had more time to hang out and check out the nightlife.

If you actually think that there's nothing to distinguish Chicago then you haven't seen much of Chicago.

I read something recently that sums it up, Chicagoans think their city is a great city. New Yorkers think their city is the center of the fucking universe.

Yeah, it threw me off a bit when I first moved to Chicago. It was weird to have celery, carrots, and cauliflower in my hot peppers. But it's delicious (especially on Italian Beef) and it quickly grew on me. It adds some crunchy texture to the hot pepper mix.

Unlikely. It's a hot-pepper concoction with more vegetables than just the peppers. Think jarred jalapeno slices, then add in a bunch of other stuff (like carrots) you wouldn't expect with your jalapenos.