
Most of us grew up on farms. It tends to make you a bit tougher than the typical city kid.

For someone casting aspersions on reading comprehension you seem to have made a very large assumption not supported by the quote.

Send your high-functioning toddler to Business School for Babies. In 12 short trimesters he or she can have a coveted MBA(b) or Master’s in Business (baby).

So what internet maxim is involved when pointing out, after an infavourable comparison, that comparing “them” with whatever is effectively invoking Godwin?

So I’m curious then, how does what media you use matter? If it has no effect then it must not matter, right? I suspect you might be bad at thinking.

Every one of those stereotypes has been validated on my way in to work this morning. And I’m here trying to clean up your mess and get soldiers the medical care they’ve been promised.

I currently live in the desolate shit-hole that is the “great” state of Texas and have for the last 15yrs. I’ve spent time in the Dallas area though I live in SanAntonio. I know a whole lot of people who are born and raised Texans as well as transplants who have adopted the ways of the locals. There is nothing here

If he really wanted to us to think he’s ready to get back in, he’d send a video of himself typing.

Don’t just beat ‘em, WAMP ‘EM!

We ALWAYS get fucked by our front office. We have an amazing farm system and raise consistantly good talent everywhere but pitcher but once they make the show, they almost invariably get shipped out. Sometimes they go to teams outside our sphere but the ownership is so desperate to shoot the team in the foot that

Ok. So plane has a malfunction and is in the air heading toward the closest safe landing. Or plane hit the drink and you and everybody else is out, floating in the water. Or you survived that car crash and now you’re out of harm’s way. If you’ve done all you can do to fix a problem and now you’re just waiting, either

You forgot the part about “ Texas”.

Or, rather than being a half-assed wanker, figure on doing the job.

That’s the Rockies, alright. Heroics in meaninless late-season games. Arenado and Carlos Gonzalez both have played like they were trying to make the Series despite a front office that gave up on the season sometime in July. I’m pretty sure the idiots in the front office will deal Arenado way, maybe in the off-season

But we most definitely SHOULD make fun of the entire “truther” movement. If we don’t then the terrorists won.

The important question to answer is this:

Dang! That Norton rocks.

“But the media we consume do matter.”
This is the single most Millenial statement ever to be uttered.

Still no excuse for half-assing it. Rustoleum is a stop-gap measure and only if you get into the floor will you see if its more than surface rust.

And they were snappy dressers.