
Don’t tell her the “office thing” is that little redhead down in accounting. Definitely don’t tell her that.

About 11:30 grab your Scooby-Doo lunch box and swing by the vending machines. There will be some stooge looking to make lunch out of a kid-sized bag of Funyuns and a Nature Valley granola bar that was packaged sometime during the late Paleozoic. Offer him your home-made sammich and side for $5 and you’re halfway to

Nah. You couldn’t get a decent brisket of that dude.

I know the jalopnik hive-mind is supposed to adore these, but considering the platform went un-changed for what, 15yrs? do they count as “Modern” cars?

OK. Trailer trash

Pretty sure Granny would fuck this Euro-trash up.

and the moral of the story is, the next time you see an asshat doing this, put a brick through his windshield. Diplomatic immunity doesn’t apply to the law of physics, bitch!

Proper uses like gluing co-workers mouse to their desk or jamming the boss’ office door once he’s inside?

This won’t work for two reasons. First, baking soda immediately sets cyanocrylates; there is no time to mix then apply it. Second, it sets up harder than most plastics and if you were to shovel it into a tack-hole you’d then have to sand it down so it didn’t look like someone flicked a booger on your wall. If you’re

On your illegal stuff just wing it.

Did you come here from Gizmodo? Or Lifehacker?

Considering how the Rox front office firesaled us yet again, and how shitty our team is, yet again, it’s possible that wearing a Rox jersey and catching hot shot into the 3rd row might get him an invitation to Spring Training.

You forgot “...and a Yuengling shirt.”

Take the top 3 idiots from every season of this travesty and drop them on a real isolated island then drop in a squad of heavily armed psychotics to pick them off one at a time. Give the psychotics prizes for the most gruesome kills and then we’ll have a real “Survivor”.

Speaking as someone who grew up on a real farm (meaning a family owned and operated farm that produced food and livestock) in Oklahoma and who has spent more time and effort promoting good agribusiness and land conservation than any 50 Coastal types, i’d just like to say Fuck You. It’s not agriculture that is funding

Snickers bars? I’d go with Twinkies

I grew up in the plains and I’ve traveled both coasts and most of what’s in between. I’ve been in hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, floods and tornadoes. I’ve experienced most of significant meteorlogical hazards humans can have and I’ll take any of them over the hell that is the massed humanity on the East Coast.

Two words: Yellowstone Volcano

Think Globally; kill locally.

That would really be more of a Flight Club post rather than Giz.