
Or we can simply assume that the greatest majority of folks interested in driving anything from Acura have no knowledge about driving or cars, so why would they bother to express actual information in the ad?

Or i could just edit in a duped frame for every 5frames or so and noticably slow down the speed I was driving. Or cut a frame out of every 5 to speed up.
Just like cop-cams, these are only worthy of being used in a court of there is a solid line of possession and the files are treated as evidence. Body cams are mostly

I get that “reporting” isn’t something that we should really expect on a Gawker hive-mind site, but maybe that post could be written so that it actually presents the information? There’s that 2nd paragraph there, which indicates that one game streamed will be 04Oct, Jets/’phins. Ok, good. Then para 3 kicks in,

I have the misfortune of living in Texas but I still would love to get back on the bike and put in miles again. Since Texas drivers are the worst possible combination of belligerent, stupid, distracted and entitled, though, I’m hesitant. I’m seriously considering the idea of getting something similar to this to wear

Punchability index: 100%

Gumm- C’thulhu

Typical Rockies. They trip into something awesome and amazing, pulling it off like it’s an every day thing. Then can’t manage to fucking beat the Diamondbacks at home in Denver.

So once JJ finds the “real deflators” will he then posse up with OJ to find the real killers?

I’m ready for the influx of amphibious Germans:

“You might be a Redneck if...”

yeah. I can’t count how many bad ideas this mess encapsulates but I’d say having your face right in the plane of all that high-speed rotating mass (“protected” by a thin sheet of plastic) seems like the most likely to kill/maim/disfigure this guy.

“What are the best gimmicks teachers use, from a student’s point of view?”

There are cup holders but they’re all on the side of the giant TV hanging from the roof.

Fuck Jerry’s World and fuck the very idea of OU/Texas being played there. It’s bad enough that, being stuck living in San Antonio, my state tax monies have been dumped in the pocket of that demi-liche Jerry Jones but to sully the Sooners by putting us in that Cowboys tainted crap hole is too much. I say fuck it,

Dallas (and all Texas) Mexican food is shit. Tex-Mex is a scourge that needs to be wiped clean in a flood of good New Mexican green chile.

Well you’re half right, anyway...

While it’s totally true the Houston is the Florida of Texas, it’s still a better place than the shithole that is the DFW metroplex. That place needs a carpet bombing to become acceptable for human habitation.

That’s not a statement about the quality of life in either city, but an indictment of the quality of the Dallas school systems.

San Antonio SAINTS, er RAIDERS, baby!