
Aside from needing to resolve the fact that we have “Generic White Guy Quarterback Syndrome” I think the biggest problem is that Stoops can’t seem to keep his teams focused for a full season. No matter how well they do prior to the break, they then fall apart when it comes time to play a big game.

The bigger question is how long will it take before I can buy a wrecked I4 to yank out the driveline and install in my NB Miata?

The detuned the V6 intentionally to lower its HP rating by about 15 or so.

Denver International Airport:

If you think bears are the only thing that can hurt an adult bear then you’ve never met a full grown bull moose.

All in all, I’m a lot less concerned with fan-b0ys toting poorly designed props onto planes than I am about yet another dolt from Texas lugging on a handgun because he “forgot it was in his bag.” If you can’t be bothered to pay any more attention than that then you shouldn’t be allowed to carry a firearm, Shooter.

Spending too much time in one of those will do strange things to your head. The human brain is so used to constant ambient noise that being in a chamber without any makes you start hearing things that aren’t there. Ghosts and memories all come floating around after an hour or two.

So which-a’ them is the chem-trails and which is that Jade Helm Governor Abbot’s pertectin’ us from?

SLIGHTLY too-sweet sauce?!?

Natural Selection Desk System.

+1 for message appropriate grammar jape.

But which came first? The mind-numbingly boring driving appliance or the brain-dead simpleton driver?

Ok, what asshole took this to the Dog Park?

Krull blows. I’ll take this one, thanks.

if you’re in bear country and not planning on tangling with a bear, you make noise as you move. Bear bells are a requirement in a lot of national park hiking areas cause the last thing you want to do is surprise a bear who didn’t know you were coming.

So not only are there 1500 people a day who have to look it up online to understand that the Sun is the center of the solar system, but the best place they can think of to look it up is Wikipedia.

He can’t resist the pants, man. He’s willing to get gored so long as he gets to wear the pants

You’re right. We should just invade them.

Well, in his defense, he had a nice little name-rhyme thing going there. If all your “Nobel Prize Winners” would take the time to create a little memetic action with THEIR names then maybe we’d remember them. Duh.