
What are we supposed to use, Cap’n? Harsh language?

Crom is displeased! You obviously don’t know the riddle of steel!

The best way to avoid this is to not be a guitarist. They’re dirty, smelly creatures of little use anyway.

Because the commissioner of the Big12 was a totally useless turd with all the intelligence of a small lump of lint? This is evidenced further by his decision to bring in West Va. U to the 12.

As always, Fuck Texas.

I think the technical term is “Vapists.”

As a current denizen of the benighted shithole, fine municipality of San Antonio, Tx, I can say with certainty that the only thing I want in SA less than the Oakland Raiders (temp or permanent) is Oakland Raider fans in SA. Guys, KISS sucked in the 70’s and 80’s but they suck even more now that they’re old, decrepit

Thank you Mazda NA for being cool and taking care of your customer. Now please take the wrecked ND and ram it forcefully up the sphincter of the truck-driving idiot who couldn’t be bothered to fucking pay a little attention to the road he was on.

That thing is a body-on-frame with suspension originally designed about the same time that Adam and Steve were frolicing together on the backs of velociraptors. The entire body could disolve into a pile of oxide flakes (each with their own bowtie logo) and you could still most likely nurse the rest home so long as you

They need to release this app in the US, only rather than deliver a phone to you, they smack you in the mouth and tell you to get off your lazy fat ass.

That’s nothing. New Mexico has had this problem since it entered into the US over a century ago. It’s an ongoing joke with a montly column in the NM magazine:

Stupidity is Natural Selection’s secret weapon.

The pitcher should have drilled him, then when he charged the mound the catcher should have jumped him from behind and pounded his face on the ground. It’s the baseball way.

So what happens when that thing develops sentience and begins roaming the wildnerness looking for hapless victims to stuff full of meat-tubes?

But Jesus fish perform an important function in traffic: they identify cars that I can cut off with impugnity. If they take offense I can point out to them that their god commands them to forgive without fail and if they don’t they’ll go straight to hell.

But it doesn’t protect the door at all. When the suburban cowboy doofus driving that monster parks on top of me and her moron kids ding up my door hitting it with the plastic trash can surface I will still be able to key the words “PAY ATTENTION” into the paint of the door with no problem what so ever.

Three simple words:

Even this pointless, lazy grab for the money of barely-post-adolescent suburban cash is too good for Adam Sandler. He’s an idiot and a scourge and should be exiled from the planet for the good of our species. Weld him into a steel can filled with gasoline and U232 then fire him into the sun.

You note giving points for proximity to the cat-rescue place but fail to post pictures of said kitties?

So you’re not a fan of skiing?