Skippy Marmoset

Yeah, and if you tied their missionaries upside-down to a splintery pole and poured scorpions into their noses, you were ALSO the bad guy. You can’t win!

“Where is your god now?” I used to say that when crushing some overly pushy civilization in Civilization. I told Isabella to keep her missionaries out of my territory.

I just want at least one character to say out loud, “You know, this whole hereditary monarchy system of government we have is pretty fucking moronic.” Bronn, probably.

The show ends, and society emerges from its collective haze, rather embarrassed at how much we let this childish blood, guts, and fucking show steer the conversation of what ‘mature’ genre fiction should look like, and we collectively agree to enjoy it solely as a problematic but well-made fantasy romp, and not the

Just like the ending of American Graffiti - someone ends up as an insurance agent in Modesto.

Pretty sure Jon’s going to die when the magic goes away and Daenerys is finally going to rule (after popping out Jon Snoo’s baby) but realize that life on the throne is empty without someone to love (so melodramatic). Cersei will be dead because prophecies. No matter what happens, calling it now that the final shot

Totally concur - I posted elsewhere that the ‘reveal’moment in II, which is (I think) the only time we actually see him shift between personas (or at least the only time we see it happen slowly enough to really follow), was perfect, and the most memorable moment of that movie for me.

This exactly. So many Superman movies (and to a lesser extent the comics) lean a bit too much into the Christ metaphor and the weight of essentially being God come to Earth, and yeah that’s all deep and complex if you like that sort of thing, but Reeves’s performance works more than the others because, at heart, he’s

Still the best of the superhero genre - at least it’s still the best Superman movie. Because it really *understands* Superman.

And of course the single best telling of Superman’s origin is 8 words and 4 panels from All-Star Superman.

The next Colonel Sanders should be Kenan Thompson as Reba as the colonel.

He was really good. He and Kidder also nail the slightly-updated screwball comedy stuff.

Worth pointing out that you need to flip it in sets. If you keep flipping the coin until you have a HT or TH, you have the same bias as a single flip, as the first flip will effectively determine the outcome (for example, you pick TH, and you just flip until 2 flips in a row are TH or HT, if the first flip is H, there

A few years ago, I rewatched this film for the first time in about two decades. It gave me a new appreciation for Christopher Reeve, because to me, he’s the only actor who has ever convincingly peformed the “secret identity” trick. His voice tone, body language, posture, movements, and speech rhythm are completely

This finally confirms my theory that Reba McEntire is actually a long-running Dana Carvey character

Fantastic to see that the end of “A History Of Violence” wasn’t the end of quality long form articles on the Kinja version of AVClub.

She was in the Colonel Angus sketch. Does that count?

The men are shredded so straight male audience can self-insert themselves in the role, and the women aren’t so the straight male audience can fantasize about them. I’m sure Brie Larson would go to the gym if she was told to for the role, but it’s more that they don’t want her to, so lets not put the blame on her.

I imagine both characters will make it out alive, if damaged. But Kim will go on to see the real Saul Goodman in action, and like Chuck wish she had stopped him when she had the chance.

Oh, Kim. You are far too good for this world. Please get out while you still can.