
“Feminism - cuz we want to burn down the world just like men do, yet with a vague feeling of moral superiority”.

So men participate in all sorts of dishonest and corrupt business practices and jeopardize lives too, but she’s the one who walks away empty handed?


This remake looks as shitty & unnecessary as the Point Break remake.

.....all snark aside, any time people stop and contemplate anything nowadays, I’m impressed.....

It’s over. I hated it upon arrival (I’ve seen it almost look cool exactly once) but watching these tiny (but innocent) cornballs dance on its grave is like watching a Slate piece made flesh.

I think that people weren’t sure if it was real or not says a lot about HRC’s social media team.

These are the people trying, actively, to limit civil rights of women, LGBTQ folks, and people of color. They are fine with Constitutionally unsound laws if a conservative proposes it, but they will challenge to the SCOTUS completely Constitutional laws passed by a black liberal. They talk about the Constitution but

How many humans were alive during those warm periods, dipshit? The world will survive no matter how hot it gets. Our civilization in its current form will not and people will die. Hopefully you are young and will be one of the ones that dies due to climate change and its attendant consequences. Fool.

You need to give Al Gore money for Carbon Offsets, immediately.

This piece is pretty dramatic alarmism. And goalpost shifting.