Hubert Humphrey

Not with an actual second button you're not.

What do you expect from a company that can't even see the usefulness of a right mouse button.

He was ahead of his time in the cynically calculating asshole department, but politically he'd be laughed out of town in Republican circles these days. He was practically a centrist compared to what passes for conservative now.

I've seen the Simpson's episode so many times that my memory of the movie actually morphed into having Chief throw a water fountain out the window.

I'm assuming by silent they just meant dialogue free and not truly silent.

It really boils down to what one likes in their apocalypse horror, and perhaps what you were first exposed to. I like Romero's slow zombies because the whole point is that we could deal with the problem if we weren't such irrational, selfish creatures who cling to cultural practices that no longer serve us well. As

Were people clamoring for a black and white version of this movie?

Interesting, because I had almost the opposite reaction: that Pablo Escobar was terrible enough to make me temporarily feel like South American right wing guirellas were at least marginally sympathetic.

60% of the people in that town think their great great grandfather rode that T-Rex to school every day.

I saw that one actually. Liked it but didn't love it, though it was definitely very impressive for its budget.

Thank you for the tip! Looks great, but man do I wish fast zombies never became a thing.

I'm not sure you'll find it a useful explanation, but those are two different shows. Bizarre Foods America is a spinoff of the main show.

Oh, I watched that whole season of Food Network Star. He struck me as having a very calculated persona, and Food Network is exactly the kind of channel that would want a seemingly young and cool person who only old people would think was young or cool.

I can't say I see it as "food as sport" though. It's food as whatever people in a culture happen to eat. He doesn't show up in a country and have whackadoo foods brought to his hotel room for kicks; he takes a journey down a remote river and has whatever the locals are eating when he gets there.

As someone who did give him a lot flak early on, I have to say I agree with you. As Anthony Bourdain so eloquently put it, he *does* come across as a "Poochie" sort of character cooked up in a lab to be "hip" and "cool" but also completely non-threatening.

Have you actually watched the show? Zimmern is enormously respectful of the people and cultures he visits and while he's not exactly svelt, his show is in no way about over indulgence.

This seems a bit like hiring Eddie Van Halen to play guitar for the Ramones, but I guess being overqualified for jobs is always a concern once you're in your 50s.

Well I'll be damned internet, you actually did do a great job this time.

What the hell was that?

Scary but true!