Late to the party, but your post just made me think of something I haven't seen mentioned yet.
Late to the party, but your post just made me think of something I haven't seen mentioned yet.
Late to the party, but your post just made me think of something I haven't seen mentioned yet.
"It's the equivalency between "femininity" and "maternity" that rankles, and it's one that takes root largely in Cameron's sequel (especially the DC) and runs on through to Prometheus which is downright vaginal in its set-design"
"It's the equivalency between "femininity" and "maternity" that rankles, and it's one that takes root largely in Cameron's sequel (especially the DC) and runs on through to Prometheus which is downright vaginal in its set-design"
To Claire Zulky:
"When Deadliest Catch had a character die….. Not a one of them had the sort of reaction this article
You're right about all the bullshit, but you're ignoring metabolism.
When I think of nerdy, pop-culture snark, I immediately think of NPR.
Anyone moshing to the Foo Fighters deserves to be thrown into an actual volcano.
Nothing better than a music snob with pedestrian taste in music.
Yeah, this bugged me too.
Can't make you any promises on a football stadium Eligit, but he had the best sound I've ever heard in a basketball/hockey arena fwiw.
Where are people getting the hundreds of dollars figure?
"Loud and sloppy, it sums up Papelbon’s borderline-insane, Massholish personality about as well as anything"
I think I agree with your take Donna, but I also think you're overstating how rock solid it is.
Just listened to "Deep" for the first time as well and had the same reaction.
Argle Bargle?
I remember reading about this issue on Ebert's site quite a while back and wondered how widespread this practice really is.
AVClub in Sitcom Form
Todd - your write up almost creepily mirrors my own feelings about the show after first watching it a couple years back. It's spoken of in such hushed tones of reverence that I was initially taken aback at how conventional the whole things seemed.