Skipping along to our shared destruction

I still remember seeing him in floods of tears when Mira won her Oscar. He seems like a sweet and devoted dad. And I have no doubt he’d sincerely like to pound Weinstein through the pavement right now.

I am a solid idiot for never realizing he was her dad.

I really can’t anymore. I just can’t.

Jesus, that tie length. Fucking moron.

You managed to evolve from being on the fence to being a death penalty supporter in three sentences. I’m going to have to call sentence #1 a total fucking lie.

This man is 28 years old, from Santa Clara County, CA, and this is what he decided to do for a day job. Dude, I’m not where I want to be, but you’re doing life wrong. Even as anti-abortion grifts go, this is working harder, not smarter.

Also if their physical appearance pleases them. Dudes like this claim they can’t listen to some of us because they’re distracted by the fact that we look too fuckable, and then turn right around and claim that they can’t listen to the rest of us because they’re distracted by the fact that we don’t look fuckable

Nobody is saying what this is really about - self-deportations. The government is well aware that it lacks the resources to round up over 10 million people. It simply cannot do it. What it CAN do, however, is create such a climate of fear and distrust that people will begin to voluntarily leave. The next things we see

White democrats might not have thought Trump could win the nomination, but there were plenty of coloured people saying that he’d win. They knew just how rotten America’s core is.

I love how the GOP keeps saying the ACA is in a death spiral. It’s not (according to the CBO), but Republicans did everything they could to kill it:

It’s like Trump jazz! It’s the Tweets you don’t read that have the most impact!

Libertarianism is just astrology for men.

White women who voted liberal are not complicit.

It just feels like burning bridges instead of building them.

Libertarianism is just astrology for men.

I want to see him dragged in Jasper, Texas.

since you’ve already, inexplicably, been ungreyed let me just say...

But they were both horrible and there was no difference between them, remember? Susan Sarandon would never lie about something that important.

This isn’t the first time a gun rights advocate has “accidentally” brought a gun to the airport because they grabbed the wrong bag. If you don’t know where your guns are — that’s a fucking problem and you’re an irresponsible gun owner.