Skipping along to our shared destruction

That guy DEFINITELY would work for HYDRA and get along with The Red Skull.

But how will that marginally slow the declining demand for maintaining existing coal workers?

Any number of stimulants, when abused, lead to impulsive behaviors and poor decision-making skills. You usually look for other more subtle symptoms if you want to try and guess which one they’ve got a problem with.

Ratings and advertising revenues. That’s why anyone gets to still be on the TeeVee.

Thank you! I always wanted a bright, accurate and compelling explanation for the sexist double-bind and you nailed it.

On top of it all - the casual racism, the fact that the guy is an asshole, the dismissive tone and handling of an elected representative of the people - the joke isn’t any good at all.

Only inside 128 or outside 495. In between we have to pretend they are are special and wonderful blessings that we planned for, prepared for, and did not at all have as an “accident”. Bourgeoisie pretense is strong and fierce from Westwood to Lexington. 

We each kept our names. Our children use my name, at least for now. My wife decides whether to correct people who use my name for her depending how how she feels about them and/or I at the time.

Well what else would the most virulently racist variety of jack-booted thug we have be doing with their time and energy if they weren’t riding roughshod over brown-people? There’s no sense in having roving gangs of brutalizers lying about when they could be out instilling terror in the populace and making sure every

I checked them out. It turns out they like having beer and grilling stuff in the park on weekends when the weather’s nice. I’m pretty sure they’re Americans.

Imagine how much white people would love universal single-payer healthcare if they’d just give it a try. It’s astonishingly popular in a number of very white countries.

“At this point, they are only working for the wealthy.”

That’s the best part about the long con. You can get them in and just keep them going and going because they’ll never acknowledge they’ve been had.

Bottle rockets in large buckets. You really want the sense of the projectiles whizzing around their heads to get them firing wildly at each other.

We were asked to leave when I declared in one of them “we take an old-timey photo of you in a get-up with guns” joints that the viability of this as a business model alone justified burning the whole fucking place to the ground. We haven’t gone back.

Do we not remember that at one time slights like this would have led to wars? Jesus fuck, you do not invoice your allies as part of your whining about the expense of maintaining hegemony.

Ain’t no like in it. He is The Infallible God. And classy. And a good businessman. And we are all wrong. There is no cognitive dissonance at all because there’s no evaluation at all.

I’m not for punching people in the face but assholes like this one give me understanding of why some people want to punch these people in the face.

While some around here would say his views are extremely backwards, the accurate term is “mainstream republican”.

Nah, I give it a week before they re-legalize spousal rape.