Yeah, but that’s Canada so they can’t understand how that would have any relation to them.
Yeah, but that’s Canada so they can’t understand how that would have any relation to them.
If we each keep our personal list short it is probably manageable. It’s like eating a whale: it’ll be easier for everyone if we all grab spoons.
Just read my mindpost on it and you’ll be able to project your astral self there so you can be present at the funeral as required by Texas law.
The most virulently obnoxious portions of the population of Miami-Dade has already demonstrated that they’ll just pick up and move when the problems show up.
They’re gonna need Depleted Uranium rounds to defend themselves against the police’s armored vehicles.
He thinks you misspelled stroking and organ.
Yeah, that’s nice and all, but beef tastes so good.
They’re shares worth less than they will be when the pipeline goes through. His investment might not turn out to be profitable and is certain to be less profitable than T-Bills if he sells before the deal gets through this hurdle.
‘Donchaknow? Them tribal people are in with the Jews to bring down the white man!’ That’s what Breitbart means by that. Most Breitbart readers mentally substitute “money” with “Jews”. The rest have a firefox add-on that does it.
Yes. Creepy.
What? Did something happen? Was there a plane crash or a train derailment or some out of control dumpster fire?
Staunchest? That’s like holding a pageant in a trailer park for “Trashiest”. None of them ain’t trashy.
We’re sending cars to look for cars we parked on the moon? I thought losing your car at the parking lot was an purely american phenomenon.
Just stop them at “but . . .”. Immediately, with a bottle to the face, if necessary. Say “Yes, yes you are.” Turn and walk away. There is nothing to be gained by any other course of action. You’re done with the conversation right there.
For some ‘people’, the very definition of classy is liveried servants waiting to perform mundane tasks on your behalf.
Fuck that noise. Secret Service lets the fucking mob do it. I’m pretty sure when you refuse to recognize the results of our electoral processes you lose the perquisites package of The Presidency.
Yeah, but they have the hardest job, in the end. Do you have any idea how hard it is to operate the ignition switch on a crematorium from inside the ovens?
Why do you hate the ocean?
Thiel already has the Germanic surname.
Once you’ve had the lulz, all you’ll ever want is the feelz.