Oh cum all ye faithful.
Oh cum all ye faithful.
Trashing critics while putting yourself in the “non critic” category is a weaselly way to head off criticism. It’s one of the reasons I can’t stand TB. That and it takes him 42 minutes to stretch out 5 minutes of content.
I really hate the way TotalBiscuit talks about “professional critics” like they’re some kind of haughty upper class, while making a living critically appraising games. It’s a completely disingenuous attempt to place himself as an outsider, even though he holds the exact same position in the talking-about-videogames…
After watching 3 videos, what scrubs use lethal force in a MGS game? It’s like they want to go nuclear.
Ok, legit complaint I have with this review and even many of your other recent anime reviews Richard(but mainly this one in particular), this is less a review and more of a giant summary of the entire show. :|
When are you going to get back to actually reviewing things, as in doing full on critiques, rather than these…
Quiet, a very good character who plays a pivotal role in the story, sports a sexy yet impractical outfit that’s given a rather unsatisfying explanation. Considering Kojima’s penchant for breaking the fourth wall, I almost wish they hadn’t bothered, instead having her just turn to the camera and say, “Fuck it, we…
I don’t think fans will disagree
I love this game. It's AMAZING...but I will say this...and I'm sure I'm going to get flamed hard for it but whatever...
Uh, if this is the type of game people want from Konami, then aren’t they “voting with their wallets” by buying it?
Steam reviews are often quite funny! This time they might even be, dare I say, touching?
That’s a false dichotomy at its finest. You can be fun from the beginning without showing your best stuff. I’ve got no problem with a game that takes several hours to get to its best stuff, but if it’s not even /good/ from the beginning, then I’m going to drop it before I ever get there.
To answer 2, Dragon’s Dogma. Great trailers that showed of gameplay, great demos that got to the meat of combat vs large monsters, and a tutorial segment that instantly introduced you to the core gameplay exploring and awesome combat. That’s the type of stuff we need more of.
Earlier this week, television host Jimmy Kimmel aired a skit that made fun of YouTube’s big new gaming-centric…
Have you entertained the possibility that you are just getting old and don't understand these kids nowadays?
My ONLY worry is it will turn out to be lacking in the other departments like the Avatar game, wonderful combat system and cell shaded graphics, but horrible everything else.
I know this is based on a cheaply-animated cartoon designed to tell you what toys they’re shilling you any given week, but the graphics of this game look Legend of Korra-levels of unimpressive to me. Doesn’t even hold a candle to something like Bayonetta.
Still waiting for these....
Is this supposed to be a fighting game? I hope not..
I’m interested in this but all my interest goes away if it’s just a fighting game which tbh is kind of what it looks to be.