He posted a couple more terrible tweets at the end of his blog post, and those tweeters have similarly shut down their accounts after being given a raft of crap.
He posted a couple more terrible tweets at the end of his blog post, and those tweeters have similarly shut down their accounts after being given a raft of crap.
They probably felt they were. Or at least that no one would make the effort to check their tweet history to find out who they were.
Curt Schilling is wrong on so many things, but not this one. Schilling tweeted out congratulations to his…
It took me a second to realize those weren't actual Black Rangers.
I think it was a well-made fan film, but, honestly, it's a hilariously bad Power Rangers film.
This says it all...
As cool as it was for us grown ups to see and like this short, one has to understand why they want to stop it. It's showcasing power rangers in an ultra violent way. On top of that, this short has a top Hollywood quality production to it (plus some known actors included). So unsuspecting parents may think it's…
I cannot believe folks let a little compositing and nostalgia cloud their judgement - whatever that video is, power rangers it ain't - it's guyver or something else martial arts anime super sentai inspired, but the whole thing is gross and needlessly violent and feels like one big long teenage angsty fantasy of what…
Kickstarter is great...... but I don't think it's a good avenue for games (video games that is).
That's a fair point, and I think there's a huge chasm between a light slap on the wrist until they're old enough to discern right from wrong without it, and going full AP on a 4 yr old
I think its different at different ages. 3-6 OR so and the kids dont care with loss of privilege. They just dont give a shit. My kid wants his TMNT nunchucks with him. We tell him to do this or he gets his nunchucks taken away and he says fine, and we take them away and that fucker DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT. He moves on to…
The united front is definitely important too; there was no pleading to mom if dad handed down a punishment or vice versa, they trusted each other's judgment and always followed through on a consequence.
Children who were "beaten" won World War II,
I think the key to any sort of physical punishment, be it a light smack on the hands, or a slightly less light whack on the butt/back of the head with an open hand is timing. If you do it EVERY time the kid acts up, of course it will do everything Drew said (eventually become ineffective and habitual). However, if you…
Certainly not. But dismissing data as "opinion" when it does not conform to what you want to believe is intellectually dishonest. If you think that those studies are wrong, or you have equally compelling data that supports your own position, then go ahead and say that.
Shit, I don't beat my kids but I need all the advice I can get. Please do tell me how to raise my kids because the little fuckers didn't come with a user's manual.